Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Weeks Old/ Dayton Dragons Game

I cannot believe Sophia is now 3 weeks old. Time goes by soo fast.

Sophia has been using her neck alot and really looking around to see everything. She still has a blocked tear duct and we're hoping that'll go away soon. We feel soo bad for her but it doesn't seem to bother her.

Last night we took Sophia to her first Dayton Dragons game with Grandma Sharon, Grandpa Jim, Aunt Linds and her cousin Makenzie. She slept for most of it, however, when she was awake she was looking around at everything. She held her head up for a really long time so she could see everything.

Our first family photo:

It started to cool down so we bundled Sophia up:

Aunt Linds with Sophia:

Daddy and Sophia after the game:

Monday, August 29, 2011

First trip to the lake and zoo

We had a busy, yet fun weekend with Sophia. First we went to the lake to celebrate my grandpa's 75th birthday.

Sophia on the way to the lake:

Sophia and mommy:

We had a great time seeing all the family. Once we got to the lake we decided Sophia's outfit was too small, so we took the newborn outfit off and replaced it with a 3 month outfit. I cannot believe our little peanut can already wear 3 month outfits.

Sophia after her outfit change with her Uncle Ricky:

Then on Sunday Sophia and I went to the zoo with Misty and Addie while Ricky and Elliott worked on Addie's swing set. Sophia slept almost the entire time, however, Addie had alot of fun. She was soo excited to ride the horses. Hopefully next Spring Sophia will like the zoo a little more. :)

Here's acouple pictures from the zoo:

Misty and Addie:

Sophia was too small to ride

Sophia was soo tired after the zoo:

Elliott got on the scale with Sophia and she weighed 9 pounds. We aren't sure how accurate that is, however, she eats all the time so it might be right.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fun Times with Sophia

It seems like Sophia is getting bigger every day. She looks different and does something new to amaze us. We're so greatful to have this time off with her. Yesterday she held her head on her own for so long. Elliott and I were amazed.

Today Erin and I took Sophia and Lilly to Espresso Yourself Music Cafe where kids can go and listen and play music. Sophia was too small and actually slept the whole time but I think it'll be fun for her when she gets a little older. It was nice to get out and be around other moms. Erin and I had a good time catching up and Lilly had alot of fun. Here's acouple pictures:

All the kids singing and playing instruments:

Sophia liked the music so much it put her to sleep:

Lilly playing the drums:

We went to Cinci on Wednesday to visit Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim Jim. We met up with Aunt Lindsay to shop then Uncle Bryan and Travis stopped over to see Sophia.

Sophia has been smiling alot this week, especially when she sleeps.

The dogs are starting to really like her. When she cries they look at us like "aren't you going to make her stop?" It's really cute. We laid Sophia on the floor and she acted like she was going to roll over to be closer to Meatball.

Sophia wore her OSU onesie from Aunt Linds this week but got upset when we told her football season hasn't started yet.

Sophia and I on Monday when she turned 2 weeks:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Professional Pictures

I thought I'd share some of the pictures from the photographer. We think they turned out great and it was hard to pick from them.

2 weeks old already

I cannot believe Sophia is already two weeks old. Time really flies when you're having fun. :) Last week went by super fast with our visitors and trip to Dayton and Piqua. We had a great week.

On Monday we went to Misty and Ricky's house to visit. Addie LOVED her cousin Sophia and got super excited when she saw her. It was soo cute.

On Wednesday, we drove to visit Sophia's Great Grandma Billie and Grandpa Dwight, Aunt Linds, Cousin Makenzie, Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim Jim. We met for pizza and Sophia had to have an outfit change as soon as we got to the restaurant. It was my first time changing her in a public restroom. As many people know I'm OCD about public bathrooms so I was a bit grossed out while changing her. I quickly got over it and got her in a new outfit. Lunch was great, then we went back to Grandma Billie and Grandpa Dwight's house.

After we left Dayton, we drove to Piqua to my parents house to visit my parents, my Grandma and Grandpa Elders, my Grandma Rush, Huzz, Dexter, Macy, Olivia, Lisa and Buck. Sophia loved everyone....actually she slept almost the entire time. :) It was great seeing all of our families on Wednesday but we were super tired by the time we got home.

On Thursday, Heather, Zac, Tiff and Erika came over to visit and brought us dinner and dessert which was amazing. It was great catching up with them and introducing them to Sophia. Sophia loved them....and mostly slept.

On Friday Paul, Kristen, Ella, Hannah, Hailee, Mandy, Bryan and Morgan brought us dinner and dessert and hung out. The girls (Morgan and Ella) had a great time on Sophia's swing set. We're glad it's getting some use out of it. It was great getting all the kids together and catching up with everyone.

We also had another doctors appt for Sophia and her doctor said she gained one pound since last Friday. We were excited to hear our little chunky monkey gained some weight but we weren't too surprised since she loves to eat like her mommy and daddy. :)

On Saturday we met with our photographer and ordered pictures and started to design our announcements. We can't wait to see them.

Monday, August 15, 2011

One week old

Sophia is already one week old today. Where does the time go? Feeding, sleeping and pooping hahah! This week has been a challenge but also very rewarding. I wouldn't change a thing. After my mom came last Thursday things got alot better. Sophia was sleeping more and getting into a routine. The dogs get better every night. Now, Sophia is only getting up three times a night to eat.
Last Friday we met with the pediatrician. Everything looked great. Sophia was still 19 inches long and in the 23 precentile for her height, 7.5 oz which put her in the 36 percentile for her weight and her head was 14 inches putting her in the 61 percentcile for her head. Her pediatrician gave us a number to meet with a specialist about her being tongue tied and we go on Thursday to see about getting that fixed. She said its a minor procedure that'll be done in the office so we are thankful for that.

This week we've had alot of "firsts"

She held her bottle herself:

Tummy time:

Mat time:

Boppy time:

A "real" bath that wasn't just a sponge bath:

Trip to Target:

Sophia is also eating more and more each day. We're up to 2-3 ozs every 2-3 hours. She's our little chunky monkey and we love it.

We took Sophia to get her newborn pictures done and had a great time. She did soo well. We had acouple pictures of her taken naked and that turned into us getting peed on lol! First, she peed on me, then when her and Elliott got their pictures together, she peed on him. Other than that she was a great model. We cannot wait to see all the pictures. Here's one:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sophia is here

Finally, we were able to meet our little girl last Monday, August 8 at 5:57 p.m.! It all started last Monday around 3:30 a.m., I woke up with cramps and went to the bathroom only to find that I was bleeding. I freaked out, woke Elliott up and told him to get the paper that said when to go to the hospital. Sure enough it said to go to the hospital. Instead of calling my mom or sister, we packed our bags, got in the car, then made the calls. I didn't want anyone to talk me out of going to the hospital. El and I both had a feeling this was it. So we got to Riverside, went to Labor & Delivery, got checked in and told them what happened. First, they needed to see if my water broke which I thought it had but wasn't too sure. The test came back positive right away so we knew then that it was the night. We were both super excited and nervous. At this point both sets of our parents were on their way and my sister was on her way as well.

When we got to the hospital they checked me and I was between 4 and 5 cm's dilated and 80% effaced. We didn't think it would take too long since I was half way there, however, that wasn't the case. After my family got to the hospital the nurse tried acouple things to speed up the process. I walked around, sat on the ball but I wasn't progressing very fast. Hours went by and I was between 5 and 6. The nurse asked if I wanted the epidural and I said "yes." Finally, around 4 p.m. the nurse said we should probably start pushing because my doctor was only on call until 5 p.m. and she knew how much I wanted Dr. Cacchio there. So I started pushing around 4:2o and had our baby girl at 5:57p.m. My mom and Elliott were the only two people in the room besides Dr. Cacchio and our amazing nurse. I couldn't have asked for a better team. My mom and Elliott were soo supportive. I never thought i'd be able to go through all the pain, however, it wasn't bad thanks to the epidural. Once my baby girl was here I was so excited. Elliott didn't pass out so we were excited about that as well.

We couldn't wait to see if Sophia had any hair and after she was finally here....we saw that she had some. They ran the tests on Sophia and she got 9 out of 1o's on everything. My doctor said nobody ever gets 10's so we were happy. Then they weighed Sophia and she came in at 7 pounds 8.4 ounces and was 19 inches long. We weren't expecting her to be that big. She was adorable and a gift from God. We are soo blessed to have her and couldn't have asked for anything more. Here's acouple pictures from the hospital:

The first night in the hospital went well. We were both exhausted from the long day and no sleep. I couldnt wait until the next day to shower. I was super swollen and didn't look like myself until the next day when they stopped pumping me with fluids due to my fever. I'm still to this day (almost a week later) a bit swollen but mostly it has gone away.

Wednesday were were released to go home. We were both nervous but also excited. The first task was getting Sophia in the car seat and base....we couldn't figure out how to tighten her straps but finally got it. :) That night was rough....the dogs didn't do well with their new sister. Maya barked every time Sophia cried or made a sound. Sophia was up every 40 minutes. Luckily my mom came the next day and really helped us out. Since then, Sophia has been sleeping better and the dogs are getting more used to her. Here's a picture of Sophie's car ride home: