Sophia is already one week old today. Where does the time go? Feeding, sleeping and pooping hahah! This week has been a challenge but also very rewarding. I wouldn't change a thing. After my mom came last Thursday things got alot better. Sophia was sleeping more and getting into a routine. The dogs get better every night. Now, Sophia is only getting up three times a night to eat.
Last Friday we met with the pediatrician. Everything looked great. Sophia was still 19 inches long and in the 23 precentile for her height, 7.5 oz which put her in the 36 percentile for her weight and her head was 14 inches putting her in the 61 percentcile for her head. Her pediatrician gave us a number to meet with a specialist about her being tongue tied and we go on Thursday to see about getting that fixed. She said its a minor procedure that'll be done in the office so we are thankful for that.
This week we've had alot of "firsts"
She held her bottle herself:
Tummy time:
Mat time:
Boppy time:
A "real" bath that wasn't just a sponge bath:
Trip to Target:
Sophia is also eating more and more each day. We're up to 2-3 ozs every 2-3 hours. She's our little chunky monkey and we love it.
We took Sophia to get her newborn pictures done and had a great time. She did soo well. We had acouple pictures of her taken naked and that turned into us getting peed on lol! First, she peed on me, then when her and Elliott got their pictures together, she peed on him. Other than that she was a great model. We cannot wait to see all the pictures. Here's one: