Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Maya is home

Maya has been staying with Jim and Sharon during our move and until we had our privacy fence installed (we have a huge coyote problem out here). We finally got her back this past weekend (before Christmas). We are soo thankful they were able to keep her for us. She had soo much fun and we think she misses living with them and being around their dog, Charlie.

Soph has a love/hate relationship with Maya. She gets soo excited to see her, then the next minute she's pulling her ears, teasing her, etc.

Soph thought Maya looked cold and covered her up in this towel we've had at the back door to wipe her feet when she comes inside after going out.

 Happy girl playing with Maya:

Linds and Jay came on Friday and brought this HUGE dog for Soph. She LOVES it:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Super Games

We had one punch left on a Groupon I bought for Super Games (3 visits for $12 bucks) so we took Soph last night. They have open play hours on Friday nights from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. It wasn't too packed and Soph had a ball.

Soph going down the slide:

 Playing soccer:

 Climbing up the inflatable wall:

 Hoola hoop:

Snow Storm

We got our first snow storm on Wednesday and El and I were both off work so we packed on the clothes and headed out back. Soph loved playing in the snow.

Walking in the snow for the first time:
 She couldn't wait to use her new sled.

 Snow angels:
 Even Maya played in the snow:

 She also ate the snow:
 Me pulling Soph in the sled:

Christmas Day

After opening presents Christmas morning we went to Piqua to spend Christmas with my family.

Soph playing tea party with Grandpa and Uncle Buck:

 Opening presents:
 Soph and Olivia:
 Finding the pickle was soo much fun this year. It took them forever to find it. We decided its more fun watching then looking for it. Haha! Macy won, yet again! :)

 Soph had to sit on Uncle Ricky's lap:
 Maya got scared on the drive home and jumped up on Soph's lap. Soph thought it was soo funny! LOL!
 Everyone wears their pjs at my parents on Christmas day. Here's our annual family photo:
 More presents:
 Playing telephone with Macy:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Morning

It was soo nice waking up in our own house and celebrating Christmas morning at our house again this year.

Soph running to check out what Santa brought her:

 She went straight to the tea cart:
 And then to her tent:
 Giving daddy some tea:
 After opening a present Soph would say "wow!" :)
 Soph giving Maya her presents:
 Opening presents in her tent:
 She loved her Disney slippers and put them on right away:
 Stocking time:

Christmas Eve

Last year we started a tradition of going to our church for service, then going to Misty's for dinner and a gift exchange. This year we went to our house after church for dinner. All three kids were soo good at church. It was a great, quick service and ended with singing Silent Night while the adults held lit candles and the kids had glow sticks.

Soph all ready for church:

 Looking for Christmas presents:
 Quick little tea party before church:

 The Beaty's after church:
 Family photo...including Maya:
 Hahah Jax giving Soph a kiss:
 All dressed up:
 Jax loved our singing dog stocking:
 Present time:

 Bath time:
 Matching jammies:
 After the Beaty's left, we got cookies and milk out for Santa...and Soph decided she wanted a cookie:
 And then dunked it into the milk lol:
 She refused to look at the camera...she was too busy eating Santa's cookies: