Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, December 21, 2014


We've been soo busy doing this and that the past couple of weeks that I haven't had time to blog. Honestly, I haven't really been taking many pictures either.
One day Soph put all these animals on top of her baby stroller and wanted a picture of her "mountain."
 Soph has the biggest imagination. The things she says and does cracks us up daily. Last week we found her playing like the picture below. The bird (skully) and sea horse are her reindeers, the snake she's holding are her reigns, she's sitting on a pillow which she said is her sleigh and the books and basket on the back are the presents. She was yelling "ho ho ho" while wearing her Santa hat. She said she was Santa delivering presents. LOL!
Addie and I had an Auntie/Addie day to celebrate her birthday. We had soo much fun. First, we went searching for elf's in Dublin. It's really cute - you go to different businesses and they have an elf in their business. Once the child locates it, they get a stamp and a small gift. We also got some cupcakes and candy from some of the stores. Then, we went to Easton. First, Addie wanted to throw some coins into the fountain:

Then I took her to American Girl to pick out acouple things.
Then, we went to Rusty Bucket for dinner. Of course she's wearing the shirt I bought her which says "My Aunt is my BFF."
Jim and Sharon came last Saturday to watch Soph while El and I went to my work party. Before we went, Sharon, Soph and I built a ginger bread village:
Soph loved decorating:

El and I before my party:
It was National Cupcake Day last week so we celebrated with a cupcake from Gigi's:
On Friday, The Clark girls and Misty and the kiddos came over. Soph had so much fun with her friends. She loved having a slumber party with her cousins.
Soph and El being silly:

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Elf on the Shelf

We started the Elf on the Shelf back up again this year. Soph loves running downstairs every morning to see what Daisy is doing or where she is. The first day she wrote Soph a note which Soph couldnt stop talking about. She was soo excited to see her again.
 She also got into some candy:
 Rode Soph's horse in the window sill:
 Decorated the curtain rod with toliet paper:
 Ate cookies, candy and sprinkles:
 Got stuck in the ice machine:
 Had a marshmallow bubble bath:
We don't get too crazy with the Elf. I have a hard enough time remebering to move it every night!

Christmas Traditions

Usually Soph and her Nana decorate the tree Nana got her, however, this year we were super busy Thanksgiving weekend. Instead, Soph and I decorated it. She loves having her pink Christmas tree in her room.

 Then we decorated our tree in our living room. Soph loves decorating the tree.
 And of course putting the star on top:

 We took Soph to see Santa and she actually loved him this year.
 Telling Santa she wants a dog (a real one), the dinosaur game and a big girl bed.
 Love this pic!
 I took Soph to a Powell festival last weekend. They have real reindeer:
 Crafts and cookie decorating:
 And Mrs. Claus and Santa.

 Soph also got her picture with Baymax:
 Then we celebrated Addie's birthday:
 On Sunday I took Soph to get her hair cut. Her hair isnt really long, however, it's really fine so I was told if I get her hair cut every 6 weeks it'll grow faster and thicker. They took an inch off.
 She loved her new cut:
 Soph and I also made some Christmas mix (she loves helping):

Alum Creek Fantasy of Lights

Two weekends ago we went to Alum Creek's Fantasy of Lights. Soph loves going and its literally in our backyard. You drive through this camp ground and they have tons of Christmas lights set up. We let Soph sit in front with us so she can see, we turn on the Christmas station to hear Christmas music and she eats popcorn.
I took acouple pictures with my phone so of course they're blurry.
 Eating popcorn, looking at the lights:

 One of the displays:
 Soph waving to Santa:

Sunday, November 30, 2014


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year we celebrated at my sister's house. My parents, Ricky's parents and our friend Ashley and her son, Sonny spent Thanksgiving together. We had alot of good food and had alot of fun together. We truly are blessed!
Soph and Addie at the kid's table:
 How cute is this picture?
 Soph and Jax had a blast together. We call them twins or double trouble because when they get out lol!
 My dad used to do this to us when we were little. Soph LOVED it:

Of course we had to get a family picture and because I love a comparison, I also listed our pictures from the last couple of years at Thanksgiving.
 Of course the kiddos loved the desserts:
Soph and Jax last year:
 Enjoying their Thanksgiving meal:
 We went to Cinci on Tuesday to get family pictures taken on Wednesday. Tuesday night Linds, Jay, Makenzie and Brian all came over to see us. Soph wanted to play the piano with Uncle Jay: