Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, April 26, 2015

8 days in Piqua

On Wednesday, April 15 after Soph's dance pictures, Soph and I headed to Piqua for an 8 day trip. El had plans to leave for Norris Lake the next day for a long guys weekend so Soph and I decided to spend some time in Piqua. With me working from home, it's nice to be able to work wherever I want and my mom is able to watch her during the day while I work. We got to Piqua around 8 p.m. that Wednesday and had a jammed packed 8 days. We did so many things and saw a lot of family which was great. But, best of all, we got to spend some quality time with my parents.
Soph got to play with her friends. They ate breakfast and lunch together every day:

 She got to play outside some of the days:
 She loved playing with Sarah:
 We met Macy for dinner one night:
 Nana took us to get mani's one day:

 We went to a bridal shower for Megan Reedy:
 Went to the lake:
 Had a picnic:

 Soph with her Grandpa and Poppy:
 My parents invited the fam over one day for my favorite tostado pizza so we got to see Olivia:
 Loving her Poppy:
 Aunt Rhonda came over:
 And Whitney and baby J:
 Nana put Soph to work, she loved cleaning the base boards lol:
 Even on the chilly days they played outside:
We had a great time in Piqua. A big thank you to my parents for having us for so long!! Although we had a lot of fun, we really missed El and were excited to see him!

Dance Pictures

Two weeks ago (I'm behind on my posts) Soph had her pictures for dance. I made her an appt. at Sweet & Sassy to get her hair done. I wasn't sure what to expect but I was hoping for some big curls. It didn't turn out exactly like I'd hoped but I thought it was still cute.
Spraying her hair:
 Soph loves her costume:
 Addie and Soph on picture day:

 Twirling is her favorite:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

26 weeks

Last Tuesday I had a dr. appt. and the babe's heartbeat was good (142) and I'm measuring right where I should be, despite me thinking I'm MUCH larger than with Sophia. I gained more weight this appt. that with the last but my doctor wasn't concerned. I'm feeling huge and was reminded of how RUDE people can be this weekend. Someone told me there's no way I'll go until the last week in July because I'm huge and she asked if I was sure I wasn't prego with twins. Yikes!
Despite looking and feeling huge, I'm feeling good. I can't really complain. Yesterday I left Piqua at 5:00 a.m. (mom is watching Soph for us), flew to Chicago (for what I thought would be a two day trip) had some meetings, then changed my flight to fly back home all in the same day. I was literally SOO exhausted. I won't be doing that again anytime soon.
Here's a picture of me at 26 weeks (my butt and belly are the same size).
Here I am at 26 weeks with Soph:
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 26 weeks
Gender: It's a boy!! Eli Michael Goff
Movement: He moves all the time and I love it!
Sleep: This week I've gotten alot more sleep since I'm at my parents house. It's been great.
What I miss: Not being HUGE and seeing past my stomach
Cravings:  Everything. I love food!
Symptoms: Nothing really.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Anunska's Birthday Party

Saturday evening we had Sophia's friend, Anunska's birthday party at Super Games. Soph loves Super Games and was soo excited to go. Several of their classmates were also there so they all had a good time playing together.
Max and Soph racing:
 I think she smiled the entire time:

Waiting turns for the trampoline:

 Racing with her friends:

Zoo day with the Beaty's

On Saturday we met Misty, Addie and Jax for lunch, then we went to the Zoo. It was so nice outside. The kids had a lot of fun too.
Of course we had to see the goats:

 And we rode the train:
 The girls being silly:

 How cute:

Week Wrap Up

We had a busy week. On Tuesday I had my Rodan + Fields Big Business launch. A big thanks to my mom for coming the two hours to support me and my friends who came and of course my awesome sponsor, Misty for all her support, wisdom and leadership! I'm really excited about this business venture and look forward to where it'll take me. :)
Sophia's eczema has been really bad recently. I applied Soothe (R+F product) last night, again this morning and then again tonight. I can already see a difference. She literally has eczema all over (face, legs, back, butt, arms) and it's been itching and hurting her a lot so I'm excited to finally have a product that is working. The pictures below are the results (her left arm)- all in the same location but different times of the day (hence the lighting).
Soph has dance class on Wednesday's. Wednesday, after her class, we came home and played outside. She wanted to keep her dance outfit on. We rode bikes, then she was "planting" but really playing in the mud. I love that she will wear a tutu while playing in the mud lol!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


We had a great Easter despite El having to work and missing out on most of the day. :(
Last night before bed we put out carrots for the Easter bunny:
 The Easter bunny came:
 And left eggs and some of his tail lol:
 Soph loved everything in her baskets:
 Ready for church:
 We met my parents and the Beaty's at church, then had reservations for brunch. The kiddos waiting on our table:
 The restaurant gave each kid an Easter egg with stickers (which they put on their faces and heads), a stamp and a hopping bunny. They were excited.
 Our attempt to get a picture with my parents and the kiddos:
 The prego patties (8 weeks apart):
 Comparing our bellies with my dad's hahah:
 Since El couldn't go to church or brunch, this was the only family picture I could get of just Soph and I:

 After brunch, Soph and I came home and played for a bit. Then, El woke up and played outside with Soph. It was a great day to be outside. Soph got to try out her new rocket her Nana and Poppy got her:
Playing tag: