Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, May 5, 2017

Church and Easter brunch

After opening up their Easter baskets and having breakfast, we got ready for church. We snapped a few pictures:

 Then we went to church. The kiddos walking in:
 And playing:
 An older member of our church asked if he could take our picture. I appreciated his willingness to snap a quick pic but the angle certainly did not agree with me. Oh well at least we have ONE picture as a family.
 I just love our church on Easter morning.
 The children's choir sang for us. Soph was excited as her cousins, Auntie and Uncle Ricky came and watched her perform.
 Our attempt at getting a cousins picture:
 I mean how cute are their matching outfits?!
 And the girls??
 Then we went to brunch at one of our favorite places, Matt The Millers. It is SOO good! The little twins had a blast.

 Someone came up to us asking if they were twins hahah!
 After church we came home, El and the kids napped while I went to the grocery. Then we played outside for hours.
 Soph got chalkboard paint in her Easter basket so she tried it out. This is what Easter means to her (a cross, a cave with Jesus inside of it and a heart). I love this picture!
 Oh Eli...he was blowing his nose.
We were so blessed to all be together. I just wish my family could have been here. Next year!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Easter morning

Soph was so excited for the Easter bunny to come to our house. She left notes and some carrots for him/her:

They kids woke up EARLY and found Easter eggs:

And saw what the bunny left them:

Looking for eggs:

Soph giving Eli some eggs:

The bunny left them a note and donuts:

Eli loved his new lawnmower:

Showing off his stuff:

I tried getting a picture of both of them with their baskets:

Soph opened all her eggs to see what was in them: