Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Pumpkin Patch with the Knacks

Last Saturday we met half way from Columbus and Toledo to see Shayna, Tori and Tripp. Shayna found this smaller pumpkin patch so we decided to meet there. When we first pulled in we were the first people there and weren't sure about the place but it turned out to be perfect. It was really cold but we had so much fun together.
It was really unique - check out this slide. You climb into a boat (which is an actual boat) and then out of the top to go down the slide.
First Tori went down:

Then Tripp:
 Then Shayna:
 Then Soph:
Eli and I went down the slide later and Shayna has a video lol!
They had a swing set with this horse:

 That had a big corn pit:
 THe kids had tractor races:

 We all played putt putt:

 Since it was really muddy they said they couldn't do a hayride but the owner changed his mind and hour later. He said since we drove so far, he'd make it work. It was so fun. Their farm is on a bunch of land so we went through a cool wooded area.

 Right before we left we tried getting a picture of all four kiddos together. At this point they were all exhausted, Eli had just woken up from a quick nap, he lost his shoes in the mud and was not feeling picture time.
 They had a HUGE corn maze where you had to find 5 landmarks. Half way through Eli lost his boots so I had to carry him and the boots out of the corn maze. He was cold, exhausted and didn't like being muddy. I took him inside and he napped on me while Shayna and the three kiddos finished the corn maze.

We had so much fun and agreed to go back again next year!!

Trunk-or-Treat at our church

We started going to a new church back in July so this was our first time going to their Trunk-or-Treat and it certainly didn't disapoint. The kids had a blast!!
Since they already dressed up several times, they decided they wanted to be something different. I suggested a Bengals cheerleader and football player and they both agreed.

 Goffs and Beatys minus Annie as she didn't want in the picture:
 Our life group had a trunk that we all sponsored. It had a football theme and Eli loved it:
 Getting candy:
 The trunks were really good and most of them had fun games:

 Eli spotted another T-rex:

 A sweet lady stopped me and asked if she could take my picture because she was a mom herself and knows that most of our pictures (as moms) are of the kids. I was so thankful for her. She is completly right! Even though we were all freezing, it's nice to have a family picture.
 One trunk had my favorite game...PLINKO! Soph loved it.
 This was Eli's favorite trunk:
 I should have taken a picture of this trunk as it was my favorite - it was a camping theme and it had this giant stuffed bear which Eli had to give a hug:
In addition to getting candy and playing games, our church also had music, free food and jump houses. It was so much fun!

Boo at the Zoo

We went to Boo at the Zoo last Friday night and the kids had so much fun but were exhausted by the time we got to the car. Both kids said they wanted to go home and to bed which NEVER happens.
Eli was Bob the Builder:
 Getting some candy:
 Soph was sweet and held Eli's hand most of the night:

 They had several stations set up to get candy:

 Of course we looked at some animals:

 I told Soph to get her picture with the tiger since she was also a tiger:

 It started to sprinkle and Eli insisted on putting up the umbrella:

 Eli is obsessed with these T-rex costumes. Every where we go he finds them and chases them around saying "high five" but then is scared of them.

 We met up with our friends and their kids. The kids had a blast together.