Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Trimester

So my first trimester wasn't too bad. I felt nauseous usually every day from 7:30 a.m.until around 11:30 a.m. then again at night from 7:30 p.m. until I went to bed. I was also very tired and usually fell asleep in the evenings for an hour or two before Elliott would get home from work. Here's what my stomach looked like at 4 weeks:

We had our 6 week apt on December 20 and I was lucky enough to get an ultrasound. It was amazing to see our little baby (even though it looked like a blob).

6 week stomach pics:

We celebrated Christmas with both of our families this year and told everyone that I was 7 weeks pregnant. Everyone was super excited for us.

7 week stomach pics:

At 9 weeks I felt really sick. Any smells would make me want to get sick and most foods seemed gross to me, especially some of my favorite foods. El has been getting up every morning and making me a bagel and chocolate milk so that has helped alot.

9 week stomach pics:

I had my first trimester screening on Friday, Jan 28th. They did an ultrasound which was amazing, we could actually see the baby and his/her arms and legs. The baby was very active jumping around, playing peek-a-boo etc. It was amazing. We also heard the heartbeat (158) for the first time.

The last week of my first trimester was good. I met with the new practice and got to hear the heartbeat again (155) which made me very happy. I'm also starting to get a baby bump, however, El thinks I'm sticking out my stomach lol.

Here's acouple pictures at 13 weeks

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