Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another False Alarm

Soo it's been another interesting week. It started off Sunday morning when I thought my water broke. I called my doctor because I wasn't sure and the on call doctor told me to go to Riverside to see if it was my water that broke. I wasn't having contractions but thought I'd go to be sure. After two hours and different tests, they determined my water didn't break and I was still at 3 cm dilated so I was sent home. We were kind of bummed since we were already there but we know it's best for Sophie to continue to cook. :) We had all of our bags packed in the car and were fully ready for our baby girl to come.

My department threw me a baby shower on Monday. It was soo cute. They had cake (yay), made super cute decorations like a sock flower tree, diapers with nuts and snacks in them. I also got outfits, bottles, binkies, toys, burp cloths and a Target gift card. :) I am soo blessed to work with such great, caring people.

I had my weekly appt. on Tuesday. Everything looked great. Sophie's heart rate was 132. I was still at 3 cm. Sophie is in perfect position to deliver which is good. I'm also at -1 and have to get to 0 before she can we're getting close. They said I'll stay at 3cm before I go into labor. Now, we're just waiting on her arrival.

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