Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First toothbrush

We've been practicing brushing Soph's teeth with this little toothbrush...that's actually not even a toothbrush. It's for babies and to help with teething I guess. Soph loves it though. I decided today I should probably get her a real toothbrush. After standing in the toothbrush/paste isle trying to get the best one, I finally decided on one. Of course Soph loved it haha. She screamed when I took it away from her. We didn't put toothpaste or anything on it yet...just letting her get used to the toothbrush. She carried it around for awhile and kept brushing her teeth. We'll continue the routine of her attempting to brush her teeth every night.

Checking out her new Elmo toothbrush:
 Brushing the top...
 And the bottom:
 "Hey, where's the toothpaste?" Haha!

Packed weekend of fun...

Yesterday we went to the lake to help my grandpa celebrate his 76th birthday.

Soph with her cousin Olivia:

Already loves rocks...just like her daddy! Elliott is already talking about their first archaeology dig haha!

 Soph loves her Uncle Ricky:
And her Auntie:
 Cousins playing:
 Happy Birthday Grandpa! We were soo glad we were able to go to the lake yesterday!
 Just hanging out!
 LOVE this picture!!
Saturday night we went to our friends, Jake & Erika's annual croquet classic.We couldn't stay long but we had a good time.  Soph loved Weston's chair. She kept climbing in it. Here she's checking out their dog Gogi!
 Today Soph and I went to the zoo with Auntie Kushie and Kevin. It was super hot but we still had fun.
 Aren't they super cute?

 Since we're moving, we've found things here and there that we didn't know we had or haven't seen in five years lol. Below is a picture of Soph holding a poster of El, Travis, Tim and Matt. I don't know why they have this picture blown up into a poster lol but Soph LOVED it.
I unrolled it and said "Where's Daddy?" She pointed right to Elliott. He was probably in his teens and Soph could still recognize him.
 Soph also loves these blocks she got for her birthday from Heather and Zac. She loves stacking them...and then knocking them down haha.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One YEAR update

Ok, so Sophia turned one acouple weeks ago and I'm super behind on the blog post. And, I haven't even had time to take pictures so this is just an update of where she's at. :) Pictures will be posted later....probably after we move this weekend.

I cannot believe my baby is now a toddler and is ONE!! She has gone from 7 pounds 8 ozs to over 24 pounds in just a year. This past year has honestly been the best year of my life. We could not have asked for a better baby. Let’s see, she started sleeping through the night at 1 month (thanks Mom), she never really got sick (thank goodness), she never was colic, she has always taken good naps, has been a GREAT eater, and the list goes on. Don't get me wrong, she has thrown some fits, she did vomit on me in the plane, I have been pooped and peed on....but those are just minor compared to all the good days. I know, I sound like “one of those moms” but I don’t care. I couldn’t be more proud of my little girl! She has brought soo much joy to my life.

Last Friday we had her 1 year check up. It went really well. Her pediatrician was SOO impressed at everything Sophia is doing. She asked if she’s started talking yet and said she would be happy if Soph was saying 3 words. As soon as that came out of her mouth…Soph looked towards the window and said “car” as one drove by. Dr. Berends was soo impressed. We told her some of the other words she’s said and Soph (being a show off) repeated them for her. She said Soph is currently at a 15 month old level. I’m sure my face was beaming.

Here’s her stats from Friday’s appt.:

Head: 17.9” – 60th percentile
Height: 30.5” – 87th percentile (2 feet 5 inches)
Weight: 24.2 pounds – 88 percentile

2 feet 5 inches….wow, she’s one inch short from being half my height lol!

Here's her weight since she's been born:

Birth - 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 16 pounds 6 ozs
five months - 19 pounds (this is by our scale)
six months - 18 pounds 6 ozs
seven months - 20 pounds (this is by our scale)
eight months - 21.5 pounds (this is by our scale)
nine months - 21 pounds 14 ozs
10 months – 22 pounds (this is by our scale)
11 months - 22.5 pounds (this is by our scale)
12 months – 24.2 pounds

Clothes: She can still wear acouple 18 month outfits depending on the brand but she’s mostly in 18-24 months and 24 months. I bought her several new Fall outfits that are 24 months and she received some 2t outfits for her birthday. She’s still in size 4 diapers.

Food: She’s down to one bottle a day (before bed), breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between meals. Since last month she’s tried some new foods including: meatloaf, ½ an Oreo, ribs, pickle, mushroom, tomato, pasta salad, pretzel and cheerios. Her favorite lunch is turkey, crackers, cheese and grapes. She would eat that every day if I’d let her. We’re also OFF formula which has been super nice. We give her Vitamin D organic milk and she loves it. She’s also a BIG fan of Mac n cheese but I try to limit that to once or twice a week.

Sleep: She’s still a great sleeper. She’s still going to bed around 8 and doesn’t get up until between 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. We think she’s trying to wean herself from her morning naps, she rarely takes one now.

Activities: She really understands direction. If we tell her to get her ball, hug her baby, or ask if she wants to go outside…she understands it all.

After she hears “outside” she’ll get mad if she doesn’t get to go out. She’ll also run to you and hold on to your legs wanting you to pick her up and take her out. If you tell her to get her shoes to go outside, she’ll find her shoes and bring them to you. When you say “car” she’ll run to the kitchen windows and look out them and say “car.” She has also been pointing at things a lot. She climbs on everything…she’s a little monkey. Before getting into the bathtub I stand her next to the tub, take off her shirt and pull her shorts down and she knows to step out of them. We put up gates in the living room and she figured out if she crawled under the kitchen table, she’d be able to get out of the “enclosed” areas. She picks up her phone, our phones…or anything that looks like a phone and will hold it up to her ear like she’s talking. She’s also been giving hugs and kisses which melts my heart.

Talking: She is a little chatty Cathy. Some new words since last month include: car, truck, fan, yucky, milky, kitty, cat, pink, pie and pretty. She also says new letters including: P, R, E, T, A, I. She also spelled her first word..PIE. We credit the show Word World for that. I think she’s said acouple other words maybe once (repeating us) but I can’t think of them now.

Teeth: She still has eight teeth – four up top and four on the bottom.

Likes: Going outside is still her favorite. She loves this little car her Auntie and Uncle Ricky bought her. She also loves playing with her babies and feeding them bottles, carrying around her purse and putting things in it, feeding Maya, bouncing and playing on Maya’s dog bed, carrying around her letters and seeing how many she can hold at a time – I think the most so far is 8.

Dislikes: She will still throw fits from time to time when she has to get into her car seat.

So I know I said before that I wanted her to discontinue the bottle at one…however, it’s been way to hard on ME. We’re down to just one, before bed but I’m not ready to let my baby become a toddler and only get a sippy cup before bed. I’m hoping in the next couple of weeks we’ll be able to transition. I’m going to try giving her ½ of a bottle and then the other ½ in a sippy cup.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


We still had acouple balloons left from Soph's party last weekend so we decided to let them go tonight. El did, however, remind me that its not environmentally friendly to do that. Whoops!

Here's some pictures:

 It's hard to see the balloons from this pic but they were super high:

 Soph loved looking at the balloons. She kept pointing to them.


Soph has been repeating everything. She was watching her favorite show, Word World this morning and they were spelling pie. Next thing we know...we hear her repeating PIE. Of course I didn't have the video camera for the first time. However, she tried again when I said it and she said P I I E....close enough! :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Family Fun Day

On Sunday El, his dad, Travis and Ricky went to a golf outing so me, Soph, my parents, Misty, Jax, Addie and Sharon all went to the zoo.

Nana and Soph checking out the pink flamingos:

 Soph didn't want to look at the camera...she was interested in the frog lol:
 Nana, Addie and Poppy:
 Jax and Addie on top of a mushroom:
 Soph and Grandma Sharon in the petting zoo:
 Soph combing the goat's hair:
 Soph loved the polar bears:
 And of course the fish:
 Soph and I and Hank... the largest elephant in North America:
 Soph and Grandma Sharon after a walk in her car:
 Having a picnic:

 And feeding her baby a bottle:
 Then it was Soph's turn:
We had such a fun Sunday!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sophia's 1st Birthday Party

This past weekend we had Sophia's first birthday at our house. We were hoping and praying for good weather and we really lucked out. Being in August we thought it would be super hot but we didn't care as long as it didn't rain, however, it wasn't hot at fact, it was actually chilly at times.

Soph didn't take a morning nap so we were also nervous about how well she'd do...but she was really good.

Here's several pictures from the party:

Birthday girl:

 Soph playing peek-a-boo

 She wasn't feeling it at first so I helped her:
 Then she was happy:
 Grandpa Jim making Soph smile:
 She never really smashed into the cake, once again, she kept it clean and classy:
 My camera was acting up and for some reason some of the pictures didn't turn out well, they are blurry or look weird.
A little messy:

 The dessert/candy table:
 Little jars for everyone to fill with candy before they left:
 Soph's highchair:
 Sand buckets filled with rainbow themed books for all the kids:
 Center pieces:
 Some of the food:
 Pink lemonade:
 Me and the birthday girl:
 Nana and Jax:
 Soph and her cousin Travis:
Uncle Ricky, Auntie and Sophie:

 Soph with two of her BFF's Hannah and Hailee:
 Weston looking super cute:
 All the kids having fun on the bounce house:
 Girls already telling secrets haha:

 Ella playing on Soph's new car:
 Soo many presents:

 Soph cries when we get her out of this car:
 Soph in her second outfit after cake and a bath:
 Tori is super cute:
 Tripp already chasing after Soph:
 Family photo:
 Gotta have a Butts girl photo:
 I love Soph's excited face in this picture:
 Soph with her Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim:
 Soph with her Poppy and Nana:
 Olivia and Jax
Soph had such a fun day playing with all her friends.  A big thanks to everyone who came to her party and helped her celebrate. She loves all her toys and gets excited every morning when she wakes up and sees them. It's been like Christmas morning since her birthday party. :)