Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

No More Paci

That’s right, I’ve finally taken the plunge…or should I say my mom took it for me? Last week while we were closing/moving/unpacking my parents kept Soph for us. It was a LONG week for me to be w/o my baby (longest I’ve ever been w/o her) but she had a lot of fun with her Nana and Poppy. My mom asked me last Monday “Do you want me to break her of the paci?” At first I wasn’t sure, but then I knew my mom could do it and it would be easier for my mom to do it, then for me and El. So, my mom didn’t give her a paci Monday night at bedtime. Soph looked up at my mom and said “paci” from her pack n play. My mom didn’t give it to her. The next day she asked for it when she went down for a nap, and again, my mom didn’t give it to her. Then she went 2 days without asking for it. She asked my mom for it once or twice more but that was it. She went 5 days w/o the paci before I picked her up. I drove to Piqua Saturday morning (I woke up at 7 a.m. because I was soo excited to see her) and drove as fast as I could to Piqua…so fast that I got a speeding ticket. :( My first ticket since 2001! I was going 81 in a 65. I even tried crying but I don’t think he saw the tears because I had on sunglasses and told the SHP that I hadn’t seen my daughter in almost a week so I was soo excited to see her and didn’t realize how fast I was going. He didn’t care! Back to the paci…so Saturday I brought Soph to her new house and she loved it. Then it was nap time but she refused to nap. She cried, screamed and wouldn’t go down. It could have been because we were in a new place, her grandparents were there, or it could have been the paci. Bed time was the same, she fought us which she has NEVER done before. We’re still struggling with putting her down for naps and bed time but haven’t given her a paci. I actually trashed them all because I knew we’d give in and just give her the paci. So it’s been over a week and she’s still paci free!! My first goal was to have her broken of the paci at 12 months…..after that came and went…I decided 18 months so I’m still happy she’s paci free before then. Thanks to my mom for pushing me to break her…and actually breaking her for me. That made it MUCH easier! :)

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