Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fun with Grandma Sharon

El got hurt at work again so Grandma Sharon came today to help El with Soph. First, she took Soph to her gym class this morning.

 I can't wait to put Soph into gymnastics:

 Then they went to Alum Creek:
Soph had soo much fun with Grandma Sharon today!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Potty in the potty chair...

Soph has been interested in going potty for awhile now. She'll run to the bathroom and say "pee" or "potty." So we got her a potty chair and I sat her on it acouple times. Last night before her bath I put her on it and she didn't want to get off. Finally after about 10 mins I told her she was done and when I helped her off of it I realized she had peed. Yay! I know she is too young to potty train, however, I'll continue to put her on the potty chair before bath time just to get her comfortable with it.

 Soph also likes sitting on the potty chair with her clothes on lol:
And then she said monkey had to go potty:

Weekend Recap

Soph loves shoes...even Daddy's work boots:

I had a dentist appt. on Saturday and they told me to bring Soph so she could get used to going. They just had her play next to me so she could see that I was fine in the chair. She even got a prize after my appt. Here she's brushing her teeth the night before our dentist appt:

Soph had to eat her breakfast with her lama and a balloon:
 Soph has been throwing fits every night because she wants her babies to take a bath with her so we got her babies that can go into the bath. Here she's washing her twin babies:

 I've been trying to find "Sofia The First" things and the Disney website finally had some of the characters so I of course ordered them right away. Soph loved them!

 Playing with play doh:
 Just walking around in my shoes:
 We went to Sophia's friend's birthday party on Saturday. She had so much fun.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Soph wearing my shoes...

 She is OBSESSED with Sophia The First and will watch the entire show (30 mins) without moving.
 Even though Christmas is over...the hat is still out lol:
We took Soph to Build-A-Bear this weekend. I think she was still a bit young for it but she still had fun and she loves her monkey.

Getting her monkey after it was stuffed:

 Dressing her monkey:

Giving Monkey a bath:

 And monkey had to go to Costco with us:
 Soph took her baby's pack n play, put it on the couch and then sat in it. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Columbus Museum of Art

We took Soph to the Columbus Museum of Art on Sunday. My friend told me she's taken her daughter who is acouple months younger than Soph to the CMA and they have a little kid area that she loves so we thought we would take Soph (and it's FREE on Sunday's). I think she had fun but it wasn't anything like Cosi. The kids area was very small. They did have some interactive areas for kids but they were geared for older kids (3 and up). We were glad we at least checked it out.

Soph was excited:

 Soph and El making art:
 She was REALLY concentrating:
 Putting together a puzzle:

 The kids area:

 Playing with blocks:
 Checking out some art:

 Soph loved this piece of art. She kept calling it a "balloon." 

Coloring the glass wall:
