Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fun in the sun....

We had great weather this weekend so we spent a lot of time outside. Saturday, after the movie, we drove to Cinci for a party. Soph had a blast swimming, running through the sprinkler, jumping in the jump house, playing ladder golf, eating slushies, and playing with all the kids.
Soph playing with Ava:
 Water balloon toss:
 Cookies and suckers.....whatever works:

Soph playing ladder toss:
 Just watering the new bushes. She loves to help.
 Soph playing with Grandpa:
 She had so much fun with the big girls:
 Popsicle time:

Soph's First Movie: Monsters University

Saturday morning we took Soph to see her first movie at the theatre. She loves Monsters Inc. so when we saw previews for Monsters University we knew we'd take her to see it. We were both worried how she'd do sitting through an entire movie but she did really well. Of course she got up acouple times but for the most part, she sat on my lap, ate popcorn and watched the movie.
Checking out her favorite, Sully:
 And pointing to him:
 And trying to give him a hug:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Friday Night

We stayed at home Friday night, picked up take out and played outside all evening. Soph had acouple melt downs....but over all had fun outside. :)
For some reason, the photos are all out of order again.
Friday afternoon after a huge meltdown...she was all smiles:
She loves her slide...and her El moved the slide into her pool:
 Snack time:
 Happy again:

 Soph LOVES water...and even though she had her sippy cup...she kept trying to drink the water in the pool:

 And she tried drinking the water from the sprinkler:
 Wet hugs for Daddy:
 Then she tried filling up her sippy cup with the water from the sprinkler:
 Relaxing in our chairs:

 My tutu wearing baseball player :)

Feeding the Fish Friday

El took Soph to feed the fish and ducks on Friday at Alum Creek. Before he took her I gave her a candy bracelet...
Checking it out:
 And eating it:
 A little sour at first lol:
 Walking to the water:

 Throwing bread to the fish and ducks:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

5 Days With Nana & Poppy

We had a weekend planned for Soph to stay with my parents, then I found out I had to go to Orlando for work on Sunday through - Tuesday night so that extended Soph's stay.
Friday afternoon, El and I packed Soph, Addie and Jax in the car and took them to Piqua. The kids had so much fun in the car.

This picture was taken Friday morning before we headed to Piqua. Soph put on her princess headband, two bracelets, heels and took our picture.
 The kids had soo much fun with Nana and Poppy. They went swimming acouple times:

 Played with my mom's babysitting kids:
 This video is from this morning when El went to pick Soph up. Soph waving to the camera:
 This was on Sunday, my parents, sister, Ricky and the kids went to lunch to celebrate Father's Day (I wish I could have gone instead of going to FL for work).
 Nana and Soph at lunch:
 My parents also took the kids to Idle Hour Ranch in Troy and the kids loved it. Soph wasn't afraid of any of the animals....she even liked the wolfs. She chased after the chickens, fed the giraffe and rode the pony's.

 The pictures are all out of order....but this photo is from Friday when all three kids were in the car together heading to Piqua.
A huge thank you to my parents for watching Soph. She had a blast!!