Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Last Thursday was our Trick-or-Treat and despite it raining, Sophia LOVED it. I'm not sure what was her favorite - going to the houses and saying trick-or-treat, seeing the other kids, passing out candy....or eating her candy afterwards. :)
Here's pictures of Soph the past two years on Trick-or-Treat:
2 months old:
 14 months old:
 26 months old:
 Soph was Princess Ariel and even wore her wig for some pictures. Originally she wanted to be a cow girl, so I bought her a cow girl costume, and then she decided she didn't want to be a cow girl anymore and she wanted to be Ariel. :)

Showing off her candy:
 Soo excited about candy:

 Heading to pass out candy:
 Waiting for the trick-or-treaters to come:
 Laying out the candy based on the candy type and brand:

 Finally...some kids came to our door. Soph was waving at them and saying "hi boy, hi girl!"
 She gave the boys 2-3 handfuls of candy and only 1 handful to the girls.
 Waiting to go trick-or-treating:
 El took her to about 4-5 houses in our neighborhood:

 Laying out all her candy:
 Giving me "the smile" to get more candy after her bath:
 Loving her candy:

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