Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a great weekend. My parents came on Friday, we grilled out and had a low key evening. Then, on Saturday we got up early, went to Sophia's baseball game, ran errands, went to Addie's soccer game, then, El and I went tailgating while my parents and Misty and Ricky watched Soph for us.
My parents with Soph after her baseball game. She was soo excited to have them at the game cheering her on:
 I only took two photos while tailgating. Heather and I at our friends tailgate:
 We had to park really far away and El only had acouple hours to tailgate so he said we'd ride in the back of a bike. It was pricey but worth the ride. Here's El and I on the bike (I clearly need a new phone):
 This is a picture from last week - it was sunny and I didn't have any of Soph's sunglasses in the car so she wanted to wear mine:
 Soph had her team pictures two weeks ago. We'll get the actual pictures soon but here's a picture I took:
 Soph and Jax have soo much fun together. Here they're playing with Poppy at Addie's soccer game:

Eating snacks and cheering on Addie:
Slumber party:
We had a great weekend. A BIG thank you to my sister and mom for driving to campus to pick me up and also for watching Soph over night so El and I could tailgate. Soph had a blast having a sleepover with her cousins and spending time with her Auntie, Uncle Ricky, Poppy and Nana.

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