Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Morning

Soph was soo excited for Santa to come this year. She came downstairs and had a note from Santa himself and from her elf, Daisey.
 Checking out her Doc McStuffins stuff and her presents under the tree:
 Eli was all smiles:

 Opening her presents:
 She loved this robe:
 Eli liked his gifts as well:

 Annual pic with the kiddos:

 Hahah Soph:

Christmas Eve

One Christmas Eve we carried on our tradition of going to our family service at church. El and Soph walking into church. I thought it was fitting that the sun was setting right over our church and the cross.

 During the service all the kids were asked to go on stage and help sing some songs:

 My favorite part, lighting the candles and singing "Silent Night."

 Then after church we hosted the Beaty's and the Clarks. Soph and Eli:

 We had to get a family picture:

 And all the kids had matching jammies:

 All the kiddos eating their dinner:
 The boys and their babes:
 Then we sang happy birthday to Jesus and had cake:
 After everyone left Soph got her cookies (that she made) out and ready for Santa.
 We also put reindeer food out for the reindeer.

How cute is this picture of Lyla, Eli and Annie?
We are so thankful this year for all of our blessings our Lord has given us. In the past couple of months I've seen tragedy so close to home and my heart it hurting for so many people especially around the holidays. First, my dad lost his sister who is younger than him. She leaves three children and two grandchildren. Then, my boss had a heart attack two weeks ago and died. This was extremely hard on me and I'm still mourning her loss. I literally talked to her one or two hours before she passed away. When I go back to work next week I think it'll really sink in. Then, two days after my boss passed away I learned a former coworker also passed away that week of a heart attack. Finally, earlier this week my roommate from freshman year lost her father from a car accident. I'm praying for all the families affected by these losses not just around the holidays but every day.

Christmas Eve Eve

On Wednesday (Christmas Eve Eve), we went to Cinci to celebrate Christmas with the Goff's. We had so much fun seeing the family and spending time with them.

Soph and Eli with their cousin, Makenzie:

 The kids heard Santa was coming so they were looking out the window for him:
 He made it:
 Passing out presents:
 Some of the great grandkids with Santa:
 And Grandma Billie:
 Uncle Brian:
 Soph opening presents:
 She loves her Uncle Brian:

 Soph and her cousin Mason:
 They're three months apart and had so much fun together.
 El and his cousins Amanda and Sarah who are all acouple months apart:
 El and his sister and brother:
 Sharon wanted all her kids and their siblings in a picture (Jeric photo bombed it lol) and this was supposed to be a "prom picture" but Linds and Jay made it funny lol:
 Eli and Grandpa Jim:
 Eli trying to open up his presents:
 The next day we drove home and Soph wanted to play with some of her toys. First up, she wanted to paint her horse:
 Everyone was exhausted:

Friday, December 18, 2015

Weekend with Nana and Poppy

Last weekend Soph stayed with my parents. The Beaty kids were going all weekend so my mom asked to take Soph as well. At first I said "no" because I wasn't sure what to do without her lol. But then my mom talked me into it saying how much I could get done (Christmas shopping, wrapping, etc.). I was SOO happy because I got a TON of shopping done and all the kids wrapping finished. We sure did miss Soph though. Our house was super quiet and clean hahah.
Soph had a blast. They played Pie in the face:
Made a ginger bread house, went to the park, played outside (it was warm out), painted, went to Jumpies (an indoor jump house place):

 This is Soph before she left to go to their house:
Soph had a BLAST and has already asked about going back. A big thank you to my parents for keeping her all weekend and to my sister for taking her and bringing her back.