Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, December 6, 2015


We stayed in Columbus again this year for Thanksgiving and it was so nice. The Beaty's hosted and my entire family came along with our friends, Ashley, Joe and their son Sonny and Heather, Zac and their son Nolan. We had a great day. It was so nice spending Thanksgiving with all my family - that hasn't happened in years as we don't go to Piqua for Thanksgiving so it was nice that we could see them without driving all the way home.
We had to get a picture of Annie and Eli in their matching jammies:
 Annie, Nolan and Eli
 Annual family picture:


 Eli was all smiles for his Nana:
 Annie and Eli:
 The kids table:

 Eli and Poppy:

 Eli loved his Aunt Lisa and Uncle Buck:
 Big sisters:
 Nolan and Eli are 10 days apart:
 And are future best buds:
 Apparently the turkey got El...not sure about Eli:
 Uncle Ricky and Eli:

So many things to be thankful, FAMILY is the biggest!

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