Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Soph is going to be a big sister

We're excited to announce.....

We're having another baby!! Soph is going to be a big SISTER! She has mixed emotions about this news:

Boonshoft Museum of Discovery

El and Soph went to Boonshoft last week on his day off. Jim and Sharon met them there. They had a great day!
 Our little monkey climbed up to the top all by herself:
 And then went down the big slide:

After Boonshoft they all went to Marion's Pizza.

Soph's first time bowling

I took Soph bowling for the first time acouple weeks ago. Bowling alley's sure have changed over the years. They're so clean, smoke free and include big arcades, leather sofa's, etc. :) Soph had fun but was starting to get bored by the 7-8 frame.
Her first time:

 They had funny animations (you take your picture before you start) of each bowler. Soph was checking hers out:
 Watching her ball:

 Soph did really well!
 Soph always asks about long hair. She's recently been wearing her Halloween wig:
I'm hopeful that her hair will start to grow faster and she'll have long hair before long.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cosi and the Columbus Zoo

I'm trying to catch up on my blog posts as I'm WAY behind. The last two weeks on El's days off he took her to Cosi (two weeks ago) and the zoo last week. I love that Soph gets 1:1 time with Elliott on his days off so they can do fun things together.
Soph showing some little boy how to milk a cow:
 Our little monkey:

 I think she gets on this every time she goes to Cosi:
 Friendly game of checkers:

 Columbus Zoo:

It was pretty cold last week, however, El wanted to take Soph to the Zoo. They mainly went to the aquariums.

 But Soph had to get some pictures with the outside animals:

 It was also artic week at her school last week so it was the perfect time to visit the Zoo and learn more about the artic animals.

Great Wolf Lodge

We took Soph to Great Wolf Lodge the day before New Year's Eve. We had a lot of fun.
Soph before we left to come home:
 They weren't having any fun lol:
 We got a different room this time than any other time we visited GWL. This time, we got Soph her own "room" which was this Wolf Den which included bunk beds and her own TV. She loved it.
 After being at the waterpark, we gave Soph a bath, got her ready for bed, played some games at the arcade then took her to story time - oh and of course we got her ice cream. ;)

 The next day we woke up, went and got breakfast, then went back to the waterpark.

 These pics were from the first day:

We had a blast and can't wait to go back again soon.