Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cosi and the Columbus Zoo

I'm trying to catch up on my blog posts as I'm WAY behind. The last two weeks on El's days off he took her to Cosi (two weeks ago) and the zoo last week. I love that Soph gets 1:1 time with Elliott on his days off so they can do fun things together.
Soph showing some little boy how to milk a cow:
 Our little monkey:

 I think she gets on this every time she goes to Cosi:
 Friendly game of checkers:

 Columbus Zoo:

It was pretty cold last week, however, El wanted to take Soph to the Zoo. They mainly went to the aquariums.

 But Soph had to get some pictures with the outside animals:

 It was also artic week at her school last week so it was the perfect time to visit the Zoo and learn more about the artic animals.

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