Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Max's Birthday Party

On Saturday we had Soph's friend, Max's 4th birthday party. Soph was looking forward to it all week. She sustained a minor injury Saturday morning which sent us to Children's Urgent Care but luckily they cleared her to go to the party. It was kind of bad out and Soph was getting stir crazy so I was SOO glad the party didn't get canceled. Max is in Soph's class at school so she was excited to celebrate his birthday with all their classmates.
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Max:
 The party was at GymExtreme which was soo fun. We've never been and will be going back in the near future. It's a perfect place for young kids to run out all their energy - especially on these days where we're cooped up in the house.
 Playing tag:
 This was a big trampoline:
 Jumping off the high dive into the cheese pit:

 Running into the cheese pit:
 Tick tock...I'm a clock:
 Soph loved having El throw her into the cheese pit:

Such a fun party!

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