Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, June 22, 2015

34 weeks

I'm now 35 weeks but took a picture last week at 34 weeks. I tried to find a comparison picture with Sophia at 34 weeks but only had one for 35 weeks so you can see the differences below. Despite feeling HUGE, based on the pictures, I don't look bigger than when I was prego with Soph. We'll see. I have an appt. tomorrow afternoon.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 34 weeks
Gender: It's a boy!! Eli Michael Goff
Movement: Eli is VERY active. He moves all the time - especially after I eat and right before bed. I love feeling the movements despite some of them hurting.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping much at night since I'm getting up to go to the bathroom, I'm uncomfortable and I started getting acid reflux and heartburn.
What I miss: Not being HUGE!
Cravings:  Everything. I love food! :)
Symptoms: Heart burn, acid reflux, back pain, etc. know, all the things that come with pregnancy. :) I don't remember being soo HUGE with Sophia and being out of breath, having issues getting up off the couch and out of bed lol!
I'm soo looking forward to meeting our baby, Eli but want him to cook for acouple more weeks. I'm really really hoping for at least an 8 pound baby boy, we'll see. I've been measuring right on track this time around. With Soph, I was measuring a week ahead and she was only 7 pounds 9 ounces so he might be a little baby.
Here's the comparison pictures. 34 weeks with Eli:
35 weeks with Soph:

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