As with Soph, I want to document Eli's birth story so here goes:
I was scheduled for an induction last Sunday, July 26 at 9:00 p.m. My doctor and I had decided on this induction the week prior for acouple reasons. First, she had originally said she'd schedule me for an induction on Monday, August 3 (thankfully we didn't do that) but I had asked to go the week prior so Eli wouldn't be born as close to Sophia's birthday. Monday, July 26 was booked at our hospital so we decided on Sunday. I was excited because I knew I'd have my doctor for sure. On Sunday, El, my mom and I headed to the hospital around 8:30. While I wanted to go into labor on my own, I was thankful to have it planned this time around so I'd have a plan for Soph. Soph stayed at our house with Jim and Sharon while we went to the hospital.
Last family of three picture before we headed to the hospital:
So, we got to the hospital, got checked in and my friend Ashlie who is a labor and delivery nurse was there and got us a nice, big room and picked a fabulous nurse, Carmel for us. I loved Carmel.
My support team trying to get some sleep before everything started:
I was between 3-4 cm's and was still 70% effaced. The week prior I was almost at 3 cm so I was progressing. The nurse said I was already having contractions so if I hadn't been scheduled for an induction, she thought I would have gone in on my own soon. They started the Pitocin to get things started, however, she said my water still hadn't broke and my doctor ordered the nurse NOT to break it. From there, it was a waiting game. The contractions started getting stronger and I was slowly progressing. The nurse checked me again around midnight and I was at 4cm. The contractions started getting worse so I got the epidural around 1:30 a.m. and started feeling MUCH better. Around 3:00 a.m. I was between 5-6 cm but my water still hadn't broke yet. At 5:30 a.m. I was between 7-8 cm and was 100% effaced. I hadn't slept much because I was getting excited and nervous. My mom and Elliott tried to get some sleep but with the nurse coming in every so often it was impossible. Around 6:30 I was at 9 cm. My doctor finally got there after I had started some practice pushes. I was ready to meet my baby boy. My doctor sat down, I did acouple big pushes and they said he was right there. Then, things got a little scary. The next thing I saw was the nurse tell Elliott and my mom to back up. Then, two of the nurses jumped on my stomach and were pushing on it. Apparently Eli's head and part of his shoulder was out, however, he was stuck. Later I was told it was shoulder discosia. I saw my mom crying and I thought she was crying tears of happiness, however, she later told me it was because Eli came out purple/blue. The doctor literally had 30 seconds to get him out or it could have had a different outcome. I am SOO happy my doctor and nurses knew what they were doing and Eli was ok.
As soon as they got him out, they handed him to me, however, he wasn't crying. I asked why he wasn't crying and then he started and I was happy. He was soo cute and big. My mom kept saying "he's really big." After doing skin to skin for 20-30 minutes they cleaned him up and later weighed and measured him. Our big boy weighed in at 9 pounds even and was 21.5 inches long. We couldn't believe how big he was. Thankfully we scheduled the induction for that day, otherwise he would have been much bigger and I probably would have had a C-section.
Later Eli had his check up by the pediatrician. The pediatrician came in to tell us acouple things. First, he was tongue tied (just like Soph), he was jaundice (common with shoulder discosia), he had a hematoma (from delivery), a hydrocele (also from delivery), he had a mark on his forehead that the pediatrician wasn't sure what it was (that made me nervous but we were later told by his actual pediatrician that it was a mark from him rubbing up against my pubic bone for so long while in my stomach) his face was also swollen and a little bruised from delivery. I was pretty emotional after hearing everything although it was all MINOR and nothing to be concerned about. Later that night they circumcised him (as if he didn't already have a rough day) and they had to put on a surgiseal because it was bleeding more than usual. After all of that, he wasn't peeing yet. So, on Tuesday, they told us if he didn't pee that day, we'd have to stay another night in the hospital to observe him. Eli didn't pee. We stayed another night and by mid afternoon he still hadn't gone yet. They told us if he didn't go by evening they'd have to put in a catheter. I was soo nervous for that. They said he was dehydrated because he wasn't latching properly when nursing due to his tongue being tied so they said to pump and feed him through a syringe and then also give him formula to hopefully get him hydrated so he'd pee. Finally, later that evening my sister and mom came back to the hospital to visit and as I was changing his diaper and he PEED....and PEED everywhere. I was soo excited. We were finally released around Noon on Wednesday after being there since Sunday evening.
The whole experience was soo different than with Sophia. I had my support team of El and my mom in the room with me the whole time and couldn't have done it without them. Their support before, during and after made the world of difference. I can't thank them enough for being there and supporting me!! Love you both!
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