Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


We had a great Halloween. The Beaty kids came over to Trick-or-Treat with us and have a sleep over.
I didn't dress Eli up since he'd be staying inside the house with me (it was a little chilly).
Me and my baby boy:
 Addie, Jax and Soph before they went out:
 Elsa and Anna:

 El and Soph before they went trick-or-treating:
 Eli and I passed out candy. The kiddos got a ton of candy and had a lot of fun. They came home, played and then they wanted to take a bath....with popsicles of course.
 Then they had some snacks:
 Matching jammies:
 They all started on Soph's top bunk...but then Jax slept on the bottle bunk.
 Eli had fun with the kiddos:
 Addie loves helping with Eli:
 Uncle Ricky and Eli on Sunday:

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