Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, March 4, 2016

Eli is 7 months old...

Oh Eli PLEASE stop growing up so fast! I cannot believe another month has already gone by. Eli is getting so big and is still my sweet baby boy!!
These monthly pictures are pretty funny. He wanted to eat his sticker:

 I managed to get some smiles and him looking at the camera (this is not easy):

 Then he wanted the blocks:

 And wanted to eat them as well:

 Then he wanted to eat his dog:

Here's his stats:
Birth weight: 9 pounds
First week appointment: 8 pounds 12 ozs
One month appointment: 11 pounds 3 ozs (82nd percentile)
                                          21.75 inches long (69th percentile)
Two month appointment: 13 pounds 7 ozs (80th percentile)
                                          24 inches long (90th percentile)
Three months (this is from our scale): 15 pounds 5 ozs
Four month appointment: 15 pounds 21 ozs
                                             25 inches long
                                             HC: 44 cm
Five month (no appointment) 18 pounds (by our scale)
Six month: 17 pounds 10 ozs (he was in the 50th percentile)
                   26.25 inches long (30 something percentile)

Seven months (no appointment): 18.5 pounds (by our scale)

Clothes: He's wearing 9 months and 12 months and size 4 diapers.
Food: He's getting 3-4 bottles a day and he eats cereal with fruit for breakfast, baby food for lunch and fruit and veggies at night for dinner. He loves food and would prefer to eat over drinking a bottle. We've also given him a sippy cup with water.

Sleep: He's getting better at sleeping at night but still doesn't sleep all night.

Talking: He's been saying Mama since last month and then he also started saying dada!

Teeth: still no teeth.

Activities: He still loves rolling around and will roll from one side of the room to the next. He likes his jumperoo, sitting up and playing and being around his big sister. He also loves bath time and sitting on the floor playing with toys.

Dislikes: He still hates being in the car but its getting better.

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