Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, May 9, 2016


What have we been up to? We've been spending a lot of time outside:

 Eli has been trying new foods and we haven't found anything he doesn't like:
 We've gone to a few birthday parties, including Sonny's:

 We've gone to Piqua several times in the past few weeks:

 Eli was sick one night. He slept on me all night (and I loved it) haha:
 Eli is crawling everywhere and loves his sisters things:

 We checked out the new indoor swim club and Soph got her face painted:
 Soph and Eli watching a movie on her ipad on her bottom bunk:
 Eli loves feeding himself:

 And goes straight to the tub after dinner every night:

 Soph made this at school - a list of my favorite things and a picture of me:

 Eli had Dewey's for the first time and loved it:
 Soph following El while he mowed:

 Eli loves his new car:

 Eli loves his sissy:

 I took both kids in their cars on a walk - they loved it.
 Eli sporting his new "Mama is my bae" shirt:

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