Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, June 10, 2016

Norris Lake

We went to Norris Lake Memorial Day weekend and had a blast. It was so nice spending the long weekend with the family. Eli loved swinging with a VIEW:

We went to the pool...and took everything but the kitchen sink. El said we looked like the Beverly hillbillies on the golf cart with all our junk:

 Soph loved being at the pool and got to play with our friends little girl:
 We brought a tent for Eli and he slept:

 Eli being rotten and getting into everything:
 One night we went and listened to a band. Soph wanted to dance so I danced with her first, then she wanted to dance with her Uncle Jay:

 We went on walks:

 And went fishing:

 Soph wasn't afraid of the worms - she loved them:

 We went to the hanger to see Uncle Web and Aunt Margie land their plane.

 And we went on a boat ride. I promise, during this picture the boat was NOT moving:
 Eli fell asleep as soon as we got into the boat. I held him until we stopped and then he continued to sleep.
 Just hanging out on the boat:

 Again, the boat was NOT moving or Eli would have a life jacket on. If I wasn't holding him...I was right by him.
 He hated the life jacket so I let him play on the boat without it:

 We watched the sunset on the lake:
 Eli and Grandpa playing:

 Just fishing off the boat:
 Eli loved being on the boat:
 So did Soph:
 On our way back to Ohio...both kids fell asleep:

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