Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Soph's first day of kindergarten

Soph turned 5 on August 8 and the next week she started kindergarten. I was NOT ready for it. SHe was super excited.

My BIG girl:

 So we had a super cute outfit picked out but found out a few days before the first day that she had to wear a special "kindergarten" t-shirt. So, we had her wear her outfit for pictures, then changed into her kindergarten t-shirt haha.

Soph walking to her bus stop:
 Then she started running because she saw her friends:
 Soph with her sweet friend, Chasity at the bus stop:

 I followed the bus and walked her into her classroom (just on the first day).
 In her seat and ready to go.
She was so happy. I had to hide my tears and walked out.
 Getting off the bus after a great first day:

 I mean look at how much she's grown in TWO years:
 Here she is on her second day. She said "mom take a picture of me!" So you know I did!
I'm so proud of my big girl!!

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