Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Eli's surgery

Eli had his third and hopefully final surgery a few weeks ago. He had to be there two hour prior to the surgery start time. I took Eli and Elliott stayed at home with Soph until she had to catch her bus. Then Elliott met us. Eli did great. He played before his surgery:

 They always give him a new toy - this time he got a giraffe:
 He did NOT want to wear the socks:
 A before picture of his scar:
 He loved playing with all the cars:
 And had me push him and his giraffe in the wagons:

 Eli isn't into stuffed animals like Soph, however, he loved his giraffe and kept giving it kisses:

 He was running around the halls, smiling and waving to all the nurses.
 He LOVED the smell of his mask:

 My sweet boy before going back:
The surgery went well. We find out on 1/4 if it'll be his last. Fingers crossed!!

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