Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sophia and Eli

I always wanted to have my children close in age. I loved growing up with someone to play with at ALL times. Being two years apart from my sister has had many advantages. So when Eli was born a week before Sophia turned four, I was a little sad. I was worried they wouldn't be as close. I would say until the past few months, Soph and Eli haven't really "played" together. Every time they play together (which is literally more and more each day) I get so excited and try to capture some of the memories. I love hearing Sophia FINALLY say things like "Eli do you want to play with me?" Or "mom can Eli and I take a bath together." Or "Eli come find me." It is so sweet. Below are some recent pictures of them playing together or being sweet!

Straight from the bath:
 Playing on the ipad:

 Watching cartoons:
 Big hugs:

 Can you tell how much ELI adores his big sister?!

 Eli rarely watches TV but when he does, it's always next to his big sis:
 They share a love for playing outside. Luckily we've had some warm days where we've been able to play outside.
 Eli loves all of Soph's toys and sometimes she'll even share ;)

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