Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, April 14, 2017

Easter bunny and Easter egg hunts

As a little girl one of my favorite things to do in the Spring was go to Easter egg hunts. Each year I LOVE taking the kids to Easter egg hunts. Since Easter falls late this year, we've been able to go to a few already and plan on going to the big one tomorrow. Soph is like me and LOVES going. Eli likes to open the eggs and eat the candy during the hunt. ;)

We took the kids to see the Easter bunny. Eli cried the entire time he was on the bunny's lap. Then, after he got up, he was waving to him and all excited.

And he's rocking his new haircut. I mean how cute is he?

 Waving to the Easter bunny:
 Soph was a GREAT big sis trying to help Eli:
 Waving to the bunny:

 The next morning was our church's Easter event. They had games:

 Eli loved the fishing game (his Sunday school teacher was helping him):

 I love Soph's face in this picture:

 Soph loves the Easter bunny:
 And then Eli wanted to sit next to the bunny:

 They had their hunt in the congregation because it was cold and muddy outside:

 Then, that afternoon we went to another hunt. Clearly Soph is excited:

 Eli eating candy:
 Soph got a TON of eggs:
 Her favorite egg said "Jesus has my heart."

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