Elliott was off our entire Memorial Day weekend which was wonderful. I tried to pack in as many fun activities as possible.
We went to the park:
We went to Addie's dance recital:
Then went to dinner with my parents and the Beaty's. Everyone wanted their picture with the horse.
Eli is at the age where he doesn't want to sit during dinner. Luckily they had a balloon man which kept him busy for a portion of the time.
I hope these two are always best buddies like Soph and Jax:
We also went to Alum Creek beach one day:
And had a picnic lunch:
We went to Annie's second birthday party and the kids had a blast. Eli playing basketball:
Annie wasn't a fan of wearing her clothes:
I mean it was her birthday so who cares? ;)
Love this girl!!
Happy Birthday, sweet Annie:
She loves her momma so much - I just love this picture:
Eli got to play with his buddy, Nolan:
These four kiddos are all months apart:
We also went to the parade:
Eli loved the flags:
Waving at everyone:
He kept getting the candy and giving it to everyone.
We met our friends and neighbors there.
We also checked out a pool and decided to get a membership there.
The kids loved it...clearly.
Eli always loves being around older girls: