Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sophia's last day of school

Sophia is officially out of kindergarten and off to FIRST grade! We are so proud of our little girl!!

Last day of school:

 Walking to the bus stop:
 She had a class party to celebrate the last day. I'm so blessed to have a flexible job that allows me to attend these parties. It was so much fun. They played with bubbles:

 Had sack races:

 Soph and her teacher, Miss S.

 Soph and her best friend.

I wasn't sure how Sophia would do this year knowing that we sent her to kindergarten just a week after she turned five, however, she did so well. I remember at conferences with her teacher, she reminded me that she forgot that Sophia was the youngest in the class because she was always a leader and always does so well. She was also selected as the Student of the Month and had her artwork selected to be featured at the high school. Her teacher told me on several accounts how Sophia was one of few who could play with both the boys and girls and never excluded anyone. Her report card always showed great remarks and her attitude at school was always postive. I had a mother come up to me one day to tell me how kind Sophia was to not only her son, but how she saw Sophia help another student get up when they fell. This makes my heart happy. Even if she is a different person at school than at home, i'm happy to see her grow and have a kind heart. She had a wonderful teacher this year whom she already misses but I know she'll do well next year.

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