Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Auntie / Addie day

Addie and I had our annual Auntie / Addie date a few weeks ago. We had so much fun! First we did the elf hunt that we do every year in downtown Dublin. This year we found more elves then we've ever found before.
She also got her face painted:

 Posing downtown Dublin:
 We had lunch then we went to her pick - Justice to shop:
 Of course we had to take a few SnapChat pictures:

I cherish my 1:1 time with Addie every year. I cannot believe how big she's gotten. I'll never forget the day she was born.

Daddy / Daughter Dance

El took Soph to the annual father/daughter dance a few weeks ago. Soph was super excited. They got all dressed up (Soph wanted to wear red):

 El got Soph a corsage:

 They went out to dinner just the two of them, then they went to the dance. They had a blast!

Christmas Lights

We took the kids to the Christmas lights near our house a few weeks ago. I don't know what they like more - the lights or the fact that they don't have to sit in their car seats/booster seats since it's all within a park.
 They preferred to sit in the way back:
 I love this tunnel:

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Addie's birthday party

Sophia was so excited that Addie invited her to her birthday party. Everyone had a blast.
They painted mugs while drinking hot chocolate:

 Group picture of all the girls:
 They played the saran wrap game (super fun):
They also made gingerbread houses, decorated cookies and had a candy cane hunt. Soph was exhausted lol!
Mom and I tried to help Misty with all the activities but had time for a SnapChat picture:

Monday, December 18, 2017

Indianapolis Childrens Museum

We went to Indy to go back to the museum. We took Soph a few years ago and she loved it so we couldn't wait to take Eli. Eli is obsessed with dinosaurs so of course he loved it.
How cool are these dinosaurs:

 Eli did NOT want to go near the T-Red:
 It was all decorated for the holidays and looked amazing:
 Eli was too busy looking at all the dinosaurs to look at the camera:

 I don't remember the circus part - the kids loved it.

 I love this pic of Soph:

 THe kids loved the restaurant:

 They made us some dinner:

 The kids got on this cute stage and gave us a show:

 They had this huge slide - Soph went down by herself and loved it.
 Eli went down on my lap and loved it:
We had a blast!! We can't wait to go back again soon.