Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Columbus Zoo Lights

We went to the zoo lights BEFORE Thanksgiving this year because our schedule is just crazy and we found a day that we didn't have anything going on and it wasn't too cold so we jsut went. It was great.
I tried getting a picture of both kids in front of the tree and this is what I got:
 Eli loved the big ornaments:
 Looking for frogs:
 The bear got so close - the kids loved it:

 Even though it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet we decided to let the kids see santa. We weren't sure how Eli would react but he did great. He didn't smile but he didn't cry either so it was a success in my book.
 He did give him a high five:
Soph asked santa for a suffed polar bear - Eli asked for a zebra!

 The kids loved all the lights:

 Getting a family picture is seriously so hard - either someone isn't looking, or smiling or someone has their eyes closed. I'm just happy we're all in the picture.
 We stood in line to meet Rudolph and his friends for like five minutes...when they came out Eli was not having it. He didn't look for a single picture. He was really scared and kept saying "what is that?" about the big white guy (I can't remember his name).

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