Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

20 weeks

Sophia is 20 weeks old and getting bigger every day. She always surprises me with something new. She's eating baby food every night, laughing more and more, talking (baby talk), rolling over from back to belly and belly to back, watching Maya and smiling all the time. She's such a happy baby.

20 week photos:

She loves watching the rain outside:

If I would let her, she'd be in just her diaper all day. She laughs and giggles when I take her clothes off.

She wasn't a fan of peas at first

But then she loved them:

Such a pretty girl:

Just checking her email on her new laptop:

I thought all kids loved bananas but not Sophia:

They weren't her favorite, but she still ate them:

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Morning/Day

Waking up on Christmas morning in our own house and spending Christmas morning with just Soph and Elliott was really nice. This year I didn't really care what I got for Christmas, Sophia was all I've prayed for the past year and having her in my life is the best present of all.

Sophia right after she woke up (we lay her on her back every night but every morning she's always on her stomach):

Sophia by her very own Christmas tree that Nana bought her:

We gave her a binky and she thought it was funny:

Soph waiting to open her gifts:

Checking out her stocking:

Maya loved her stocking stuffers:

Daddy helping Sophia open her presents. She loved her laptop:

Such a happy girl. She got everything she wanted:

Soph and I after opening gifts:

Daddy and Sophia:

After opening presents we changed Sophia's outfit and let her play on the floor with her toys. She was soo tired she fell asleep:

We went to Piqua in the afternoon for Christmas dinner.

Sophia and her Nana:

Family picture on Christmas:

Just chewing on Nana's fingers:

Annual cousin picture (everyone always wears pj's):

Since Sophia is soo small and won't remember her first Christmas I decided to put all her gifts together and get a picture so she'll see everything she got for her first Christmas when she's older. After putting everything together I realized how much she got. She's definitely a spoiled little girl. :)

She loves all her gifts and it appears she is "Santa's Favorite":

Christmas Eve

This year we started a new tradition. Instead of going to Piqua to my aunt's or Cinci we decided we'd spend Christmas Eve in Columbus so we could wake up in our own house. This was the first year in 28 years, that I didn't wake up at my parents house. So, on Christmas Eve we went to church and the Beaty's joined us. We went to the 4:30 p.m. service which was for families. It was a packed house. All three kids (Addie, Soph and Jaxon) were really good the entire time. After church we got takeout and went back to Misty and Ricky's for our gift exchange.

Jaxon and Soph playing:

Addie wanted to hold Sophie lol:

Opening presents:

Cousin picture:

We thought it would be nice to get family pictures after church. The Beaty picture was a bit harder to capture:

Goff family picture:

Addie opening the first present:

Christmas Eve Eve

The night before Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve Eve (Friday) we went to Cinci to celebrate Christmas with the Goff side of the family. Everyone except Matt, Amanda and the kids made it. It was great seeing everyone.

Below are pictures which are not in order. :)

Saturday morning (Christmas Eve) Sophia checking out one of her gifts from Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim:

Grandma Sharon and Sophia early in the morning:

Uncle Web and Sophia Friday night:

Sophia loved Aunt Margie:

Travis and Linds playing with Soph:

All the kids (except Cameron and Mason) on the Goff side:

Uncle Brian always makes Sophia laugh:

Soph waiting to open presents:

Soph and Uncle Jay:

Soph and her cousin Travis: