Waking up on Christmas morning in our own house and spending Christmas morning with just Soph and Elliott was really nice. This year I didn't really care what I got for Christmas, Sophia was all I've prayed for the past year and having her in my life is the best present of all.
Sophia right after she woke up (we lay her on her back every night but every morning she's always on her stomach):
Sophia by her very own Christmas tree that Nana bought her:
We gave her a binky and she thought it was funny:
Soph waiting to open her gifts:
Checking out her stocking:
Maya loved her stocking stuffers:
Daddy helping Sophia open her presents. She loved her laptop:
Such a happy girl. She got everything she wanted:
Soph and I after opening gifts:
Daddy and Sophia:
After opening presents we changed Sophia's outfit and let her play on the floor with her toys. She was soo tired she fell asleep:
We went to Piqua in the afternoon for Christmas dinner.
Sophia and her Nana:
Family picture on Christmas:
Just chewing on Nana's fingers:
Annual cousin picture (everyone always wears pj's):
Since Sophia is soo small and won't remember her first Christmas I decided to put all her gifts together and get a picture so she'll see everything she got for her first Christmas when she's older. After putting everything together I realized how much she got. She's definitely a spoiled little girl. :)
She loves all her gifts and it appears she is "Santa's Favorite":