Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, December 10, 2011

4 months old

Sophia turned 4 months on Thursday and I think this picture says it all:

What a difference one month makes. This past month has been soo much fun. We're really seeing her personality. She's smiling more, giggling and working on more milestones. She can really brighten any day with her smile.

Birth- 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 17 pounds (this is by our scale, I'll update after her appt. on Friday)

Clothes: she's wearing acouple 6 months, 6-9 months and some 9 months. It all depends on the brand. One pair of jammies are 9 months and aren't too big...they are her Christmas jammies and I'm hoping they'll still fit her for Christmas. I'm blaming the dryer. :) Still in size 2 diapers but only for acouple more days. Then we're going to size 3.

Food: Sophia is eating 6 -7 ozs every couple hours during the morning/day/evening and cereal at night before bed. She's still getting about 75% breast milk but 25% formula because I cannot keep up with her. She's our little chunky monkey.

Sleep: She's been a great sleeper. During the week she's kind of on a schedule and normally gets tired around 8:30 p.m. and is asleep in her crib by 8:45. She'll sleep through the night until 7:45 a.m. or sometimes 8. I think just one night this past week she woke up around 2 a.m. to eat. Other than that she normally sleeps through the night and for at least 10-12 hours.

Activities: She loves playing on her mat, or on a blanket on the floor with her toys. She grabbing more toys and putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. She's talking (baby talk) more and giggling which is fun and has recently starting rolling over. On Thursday (the day she turned 4 months) she rolled from her belly to back, then last night she rolled from her back to belly. We were soo proud of her. She also loves being in her Baby Einstein jumping gym thing. It sings, teaches her spanish, colors, shapes etc. She's still a little short for it, but she still loves it.

Likes: eating her hands, sitting up, mat time, baths, watching Maya run around her and bark

Dislikes: getting dressed and undressed, headbands, wearing socks, shoes or bibs and laying on her stomach. She also doesn't like sitting in her bumbo chair for very long. She'll stretch and try to get out of it.

Here's her 4 month pictures:

She's had a cold for the past couple weeks and we've tried everything. We bathe her with the Vicks stuff, puts Vicks vapor rub on her chest and feet, we have a Vicks plug in that releases vapors in the air, her mattress is elevated, we put this saline spray in her nose several times a day and we've taken her to the pediatrician once or twice but they said she's fine. We're hoping she'll get past it soon.

We also think she's super close to cutting a tooth or possibly two. She has been slobbering like crazy. So much so that I've tried several different bibs to keep her dry. First, she was wearing all the cute ones, then I decided to get her waterproof, well those were tight around her neck so I bought new ones that are waterproof but are also for babies 6-24 months. We're hoping these will be the ones.

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