Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, September 26, 2011

7 weeks old

Sophia is 7 weeks old today and I can tell a big difference from last week. Just this morning I put her on her mat and she laid on it and played for 30 minutes. Last week she would only last for 10 minutes at the most. Today she played, laughed, grabbed the toys hanging down and loved it.

Here's her 7 week picture which was actually taken yesterday (check out her jeggins):

This past weekend we went to Piqua on Friday because I had my unoffical 10 year reunion. The actual reunion was on Saturday, however, my friend Shayna and I thought we'd go to the football game and Z's afterwards to see some people from high school. We had alot of fun but I sure did miss Sophia.

Then on Saturday Elliott and I had to wake up and drive 3.5 hours for Maria's wedding. She was a beautiful bride. My parents watched Sophia for us and I think I probably called them 20 times. It was soo tough leaving her over night for the first time. I knew she was in good hands but I still missed her like crazy. We had alot of fun at the wedding, but rushed home to see Sophia Sunday morning.

Here's some pictures from the wedding:

Sophia had a great time with her Nana and Poppy. She had some visitors while she was there including her cousin Olivia:

Sophia loves her Poppy soo much. He always makes her smile.

Sophia had cereal for the first time this weekend. Nana and Poppy gave it to her and she loved it. She also slept good after eating it so Elliott and I went out and bought some for her to eat at our house. :)

Sophia eating cereal:

This is an adorable outfit that my coworker bought for Sophia. I thought it was soo cute and had to take a picture of it:

Sophia is getting used to her bumbo chair and is sitting in it like a big girl now:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

6 weeks old

We had Sophia's one month check up today, even though she's over one month and everything went well. She got her hepatitis vaccination and she only cried for a few seconds. I think I was more upset than she was. I gave her a bottle and she was fine. :)

She weighed 11 pounds 8 ozs which put her in the 89th percentile for weight, she's 21.5 inches long so she's in the 42th percentile for length and her head was 15 inches which put her in the 56 percentile. We couldn't believe how much weight she's put on since she was born. Her doctor said to keep feeding her when she's hungry and that it's great that she's gaining weight.

Here's her 6 week picture which I LOVE:

Shayna, Tori and Tripp came to visit us on Sunday. We had a great time catching up and seeing the kids. Tori loved Sophia and was great with her. Both Tori and Tripp loved Sophia's swingset. We're just happy it's getting some use out of it. Here's a picture of Sophia with Tripp and Tori:

Elliott had to go back to work on Monday. He was bummed and wanted to stay home with us. Here's a picture of Sophia and daddy before he left for work:

Sophia has been smiling more and more each day. I just cannot get enough of her adorable dimples:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 weeks old

I'm acouple days behind but Sophia is now 5 weeks old. This is our last week of us all being together as Elliott will go back to work on Monday. I think it'll be a hard adjustment at first. We're used to doing everything together. Sophia and I will miss him.

Sophia wasn't thrilled about having her 5 week pictures taken:

I'll give a recap of last week. First, on Monday we went to Piqua to visit my parents. While there my mom, Elliott and I went to the Heritage Festival. My dad stayed at home with Sophia which was the first time we've ever left her with anyone. Sophia did great even though we were only gone for a little over an hour.

Sophia and her Nana:

We went to Grange on Tuesday to visit my coworkers. It was nice seeing everyone but it reminded me that I only have acouple weeks left with Sophia before I have to go back to work. :(

On Wednesday Sophia and I met her friends Alexa, Ella, Hannah and Hailee at Firefly Cafe. Sophia slept the entire time but it was nice to visit with the other moms.

Sophia turned one month on Thursday so we took some photos of her in her one month outfit which she wasn't happy about lol.

On Saturday we watched the game at Misty's house and Sophia wore her 3-6 month OSU cheerleading outfit. We couldn't believe it fit her. It was a little big but looked super cute.

She wasn't happy about wearing OSU when they were playing Toledo and mommy and daddy were wearing Toledo gear.

On Sunday Sophia watched the Bengals vs. Browns game with her daddy.

Then, we went to Ella's second birthday party. Sophia wore her party dress but then had a blow out so we put her in her back-up outfit which was packed for the day before and was an OSU onesie and jeans. The onesie was a newborn which was too small and the jeans were 3-6 months which were a bit too big. Needless to say I must have packed her outfit on no sleep because it was a train wreck.

We tried putting Sophia in her bumbo acouple times last week:

First try (still too small)

2nd try (a little better)

3rd try (she's still not sure about it)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

One Month Old

I can't believe one month ago today (August 8) I delivered our precious Sophia.


Birth weight: 7 pounds 8 ozs
Weight when we left the hospital: 7 pounds 5 ozs
First week appointment: 7 pounds 5 ozs
Second week appointment: 8 pounds 5 ozs
One month appointment: 11 pounds 8 ozs

Clothes: Sophia is wearing 3 months and some 3-6 month outfits. After putting her in a newborn dress 2 weeks ago we haven't tried putting her in any other newborn outfits. She's wearing size 1 diapers.

Food: She's eating 3-4 ozs every 2-3 hours. Sometimes she'll eat more than 3-4 ozs but never less. She's still getting breast milk 100% of the time. We tried formula once or twice in the middle of the night to fill her up, however, that didn't work so we're back to breast milk.

Sleep: We still don't have a schedule down yet, however, most days are about the same give or take an hour or two. Sophia normally sleeps from 10 p.m. until 1 or 2 a.m. , we feed her then she sleeps until 4 or 5 a.m. we feed her again then she's up around 7 or 8 a.m., eats, then sleeps until 10 a.m. Right now she's not sleeping alot in the morning but normally sleeps alot in the evenings.

Activities: We try tummy and mat time almost every day, however, she's not a huge fan. She likes to kick her legs and tries to climb when she's laying on our chest. I also try reading to her but she normally cries after page 3 or 4 lol. We also tried the bumbo chair this week. I think she's still a bit too small for it.

Likes: She loves looking at our mirrors in the living room. She also likes her swing, baths, car rides and pulling my hair.

Dislikes: When we stop at red lights when on car rides, head bands, getting dressed and undressed.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who Does Sophia Look Like?

Elliott thinks Sophia looks like him, however, I pulled our baby pictures and think she looks more like me.

Sophia and I

Sophia and Elliott

Friday, September 2, 2011

4 Weeks Old (tear)

I cannot believe Sophia is already 4 weeks old. I know, I say the same thing every week but each week goes by soo fast. It makes me soo sad, especially because I know i'm getting closer and closer to going back to work and being away from Sophia. We've had another fun week. Here's her four week photos:

Sophia in her "Tiny Butterfly" outfit which I'm obsessed with and Elliott wasn't a fan of hahah:

Sophia in her "little black dress"

She didn't like laying in her crib at first

Sophia loves to smile in her sleep, especially when daddy holds her:

Mommy and Sophie time:

She's really starting to like her crib...she likes to lay in it and stretch or lift her legs in the air:

She fell asleep during tummy time on her boppy:

Such a pretty girl

Sophia is eating like crazy, we're up to 4-5 oz's every couple hours. Sunday night Sophie slept for 6 straight hours from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. We couldn't believe it. She did, however, drink a total of 6 ozs from 8-10p.m. so that could be the reason she slept so long. She just loves to eat...just like her mama. She's working on getting cheeks as big as mine. We just love her to pieces. :)

She is soo strong, holding her head up on her own for acouple minutes at a time, she also uses her legs to push off of us or to climb which is super cute. In this picture she's holding her head up on her own, however, she's not very happy because daddy didn't realize he put newborn pj's on her and they were a bit too small:

Her right eye is looking better, however, she now has baby acne. She just can't get a break. Poor baby girl.

We also had our first blow out which was soo bad it involved a bath right afterwards lol. We didn't have to cut off her outfit like we always thought we would have to do. I guess that means we're getting better at this. Elliott has become the pro at changing diapers and dressing her. I still take my time and am very careful with her where Elliott is quicker and tells me "you dont have to be soo careful...she won't break."