Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

6 weeks old

We had Sophia's one month check up today, even though she's over one month and everything went well. She got her hepatitis vaccination and she only cried for a few seconds. I think I was more upset than she was. I gave her a bottle and she was fine. :)

She weighed 11 pounds 8 ozs which put her in the 89th percentile for weight, she's 21.5 inches long so she's in the 42th percentile for length and her head was 15 inches which put her in the 56 percentile. We couldn't believe how much weight she's put on since she was born. Her doctor said to keep feeding her when she's hungry and that it's great that she's gaining weight.

Here's her 6 week picture which I LOVE:

Shayna, Tori and Tripp came to visit us on Sunday. We had a great time catching up and seeing the kids. Tori loved Sophia and was great with her. Both Tori and Tripp loved Sophia's swingset. We're just happy it's getting some use out of it. Here's a picture of Sophia with Tripp and Tori:

Elliott had to go back to work on Monday. He was bummed and wanted to stay home with us. Here's a picture of Sophia and daddy before he left for work:

Sophia has been smiling more and more each day. I just cannot get enough of her adorable dimples:

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