I cannot believe Sophia is already 4 weeks old. I know, I say the same thing every week but each week goes by soo fast. It makes me soo sad, especially because I know i'm getting closer and closer to going back to work and being away from Sophia. We've had another fun week. Here's her four week photos:
Sophia in her "Tiny Butterfly" outfit which I'm obsessed with and Elliott wasn't a fan of hahah:
Sophia in her "little black dress"
She didn't like laying in her crib at first
Sophia loves to smile in her sleep, especially when daddy holds her:
Mommy and Sophie time:
She's really starting to like her crib...she likes to lay in it and stretch or lift her legs in the air:
She fell asleep during tummy time on her boppy:
Such a pretty girl
Sophia is eating like crazy, we're up to 4-5 oz's every couple hours. Sunday night Sophie slept for 6 straight hours from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. We couldn't believe it. She did, however, drink a total of 6 ozs from 8-10p.m. so that could be the reason she slept so long. She just loves to eat...just like her mama. She's working on getting cheeks as big as mine. We just love her to pieces. :)
She is soo strong, holding her head up on her own for acouple minutes at a time, she also uses her legs to push off of us or to climb which is super cute. In this picture she's holding her head up on her own, however, she's not very happy because daddy didn't realize he put newborn pj's on her and they were a bit too small:
Her right eye is looking better, however, she now has baby acne. She just can't get a break. Poor baby girl.
We also had our first blow out which was soo bad it involved a bath right afterwards lol. We didn't have to cut off her outfit like we always thought we would have to do. I guess that means we're getting better at this. Elliott has become the pro at changing diapers and dressing her. I still take my time and am very careful with her where Elliott is quicker and tells me "you dont have to be soo careful...she won't break."
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