Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, June 16, 2012

10 months

My baby has grown up! She’s just two months away from her first birthday and is in the “big girl” section of clothes, has a mouth full (well kind of) of teeth, she talks (and we can understand some words), is close to walking and looks like a toddler! Makes me so sad and I wish I could just push “pause” on the remote button. :(

Before I cry…I better get to the 10 month update!

Here's her weight since she's been born:

Birth - 7 pounds 8 ozs
one month - 11 pounds 8 ozs
two months - 13 pounds 5 ozs
three months - 14 pounds 5 ozs
four months - 16 pounds 6 ozs
five months - 19 pounds (this is by our scale)
six months - 18 pounds 6 ozs
seven months - 20 pounds (this is by our scale)
eight months - 21.5 pounds (this is by our scale)
nine months - 21 pounds 14 ozs
Ten months –22 pounds (this is by our scale)

Clothes: she's still wearing 18 months and I’ve bought acouple 18-24 month outfits and she can wear them and she has one 24 month outfit that fits her as well. She's now in size 4 diapers and size 2 swim diapers.

Food: She still gets 3 bottles a day plus breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. So far, she’s had the following non-baby food items: strawberries, blackberries, watermelon, pineapple, grapes, blueberries, mandarin oranges, spaghetti, scrambled eggs, blueberry pancakes, toast, tortilla, rice, black beans, raspberries, cheerios, jello, pudding, carrots, corn, broccoli, peas, green beans, applesauce, yogurt, bananas, raisins, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, sloppy joe, cottage cheese and mac n cheese. I like to give her small pieces of food so that she can feed herself. She’s very independent and likes feeding herself lol! When we’re on the go we’ll give her Stage 3 baby food usually paired with the squeeze apple sauce.

Sleep: I can’t complain on the sleeping. I changed her bed time to 8 p.m.  during the week and by the time I put her in her crib she’s asleep within minutes. On the weekends its usually around 8 or sometimes 9. She typically sleeps through the night until between 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.

Activities: She's crawling everywhere, pulling herself onto anything, crawling over things, walking with her push walker and anything else she can find to push, standing on her own for 10, 20 or 30 seconds at a time, she’s taken 3 steps on her own, waves, climbing up the steps, trying to climb in and out of the tub, chewing on her crib, drinking from bottled water and getting into everything. When I’m folding laundry she likes to “help” which means pulling the clothes out of the basket…throwing them on the floor, then picking them up and putting them back in the basket. It’s really cute…but takes me 100% longer to fold laundry. :)

Talking: She’s saying a lot more words now. Well, some are words and some are made up words hahah. She says “B” all day long and it's still her favorite word. She has also said O, E, P (and my dad thinks she’s trying to say poppy lol), dada, mom mom, mmmm, baby, doggy, bye bye, hi, yah, beep beep, baba (bottle), awww and meow. Some of the words (doggy and bye bye) have only been heard by her babysitter...but we'll still count them.

Teeth: She has four teeth on top and four teeth on bottom. They literally come through overnight…it’s crazy! Since she’s been teething a lot more, we’ve noticed she’s been chewing on her crib…and has taken the paint/wood off of it. We had to buy a guard to try to protect what’s left. It looks terrible….but what can you do? Poor baby is teething.

Likes: Looking at her pictures and saying "baby," taking walks outside, swinging, my cell phone, playing outside, playing in her baby pool, playing peek-a-boo. She loves being outside and will cry when it’s time to go in…or if Maya gets to go out and she doesn’t. She also gets upset when Elliott’s out back and she sees him.

Dislikes: When we tell her "no!" She will cry. She also doesn’t like getting her diaper changed and will sometimes get upset when she has to get into her car seat.

Now that she’s 10 months, we’re going to try to break the paci (after vacation this week)….so she’ll only get it at night when she goes to bed. She doesn’t take a paci all day usually but we’ll give it to her from time to time, especially in the car if she’s fussy or if we’re at a store or restaurant. I’d like to have the paci broken completely by her first birthday…we’ll see how that goes. :)

Here's her 10 month photos:

The past couple weeks Soph has been a momma's girl and I hate to say it...but I love it. :) I know, she'll have to go to other people and not always cry when I leave the room but I love that she wants me to hold her because I know those days are limited.

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