Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Big day

The day I've been waiting on for soo long has finally came! Sophia melted my heart tonight when she said...."mom" "mom!" I may have cried after hearing those words but I was so happy. It was very clear and she said it acouple times. Of course when I got the camera out she stopped lol! It was funny because we've been practicing "mama" with her and she clearly said "mom" and actually she also said "mom mom" not to be confused with "mum mum." It was def "mom!" :)

This morning El sent me a text saying Soph took three steps on her own. He saw her and started clapping and she fell on her butt. I tried to get her to walk tonight but she wasn't  having it. Hopefully she'll take more steps each day. Saturday she took her first step so we'll see. :) It def was a big day for Sophia.

Here's some pictures of her after her bath tonight.

She loves singing along with her Sophia dog:

 She was so happy tonight and was cracking up:

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