Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

20 Month Update

It seems weird posting a 20 month update….maybe because 20 months seems so old, or maybe because before I had Soph I used to hate when I’d ask someone how old their child was and I’d get a response like “48 months” and would have to do the math in my head (which I suck at Math). Why couldn’t they just say “4 years old?” Well, 20 months is weird…because when people ask me….i don’t want to say 1 ½ because she’s older than 1 ½ and I can’t say 2, so I guess I’ll just say almost 2 from here on out…since 20 months sounds weird. Anyhow, I love doing monthly updates because I always look back to see where she was and I hope that when she’s older she can use this as her electronic baby book and look at her stats, pictures, etc.
On to the update:
12 months 24.2
15 months 26 pounds
19 months 27.5 pounds
20 months (i'll weigh her tomorrow)
Food: Still hit or miss. Some nights she eats really well, some days she doesn’t. Breakfast is no longer her favorite meal – in fact, she barely eats breakfast now. She’s tried pork chops this week and ate acouple small cut up pieces. She still loves fruit and water. She has been asking for milk a lot more and she still loves ice cream. Going out for dinner has been a challenge recently. Soph no longer sits in high chairs so the booster seats aren’t cutting it. She doesn’t want to sit in them, she wants down to run.

Words: She now says “the end” after every book and I’m not sure where she learned that because I never say it after her nightly book. When we’re outside she looks for pine cones and yells “pine cones!” When we say our prayers every night she says “Dear Jesus,” and “Amen” at the end (I say everything in the middle lol) and will point to her Bible and say “Bible” which makes me very happy.
She has started to say small sentences including:
“I got it!”
“Where’d it go?”
“I did it!”
Soph will watch her show, Word World and will say certain words before they even say them…we’re not sure how she knows these words like, rose, radio, etc. Elliott was putting together her new water table tonight and before we said “water table” she looked at it and said “water table.” Again, not sure how she knew that – we must have said it before when it was in the box and she remembered it.
Soph also knows her name and when we point to a picture she’ll say “Sophie!” We’ve called her Sophie and Sophia so if she wants to be called “Sophie” that’s what we’ll call her lol! When I point to her cousin’s pictures she always says their names, tonight I pointed to her Auntie and Uncle Ricky and she knew both of them and yelled “Auntie” and “Ricky!”
Clothes: 2t and some 3t, size 5 diapers and size 6 shoes

Sleep: Soph’s sleep has changed since the time change acouple weeks ago. We now start her routine of changing her diaper, brushing her teeth, reading 1-2 books, and praying at 8:45 and she’s in bed by 9 and asleep by 9:01. She’s typically exhausted by 9 and falls right asleep.

Being outside (and screams when it’s time to come in), riding her “bike” as she calls it, playing with her water table, painting, playing with play doh, watching her favorite shows Mickey Mouse Club House and Henry Hugglemonster.
Potty training: she has gone in the potty I think one additional time since last month. She isn’t really into sitting on it anymore. She hides her eyes when she’s going number 2 and will tell us when she’s finished.
Soph is also going through the hitting stage….but she only hits Elliott and I. She thinks its funny. We’ve been trying to teach her that it’s not nice and we’re hoping this is just a stage.
Although she can be rotten at times (with the hitting, going out to dinner, etc.) I just love this age. She is soo much fun. She gets so excited over little things which just melts my heart. The expression she makes when she gets excited is the same one Elliott makes. I see Elliott in her more and more everyday.
Here's some recent pictures:
Soph in line with her friends at gym class waiting on a stamp:
Soph's first skinned knee:

 Dumping water on herself lol:

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