Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Max and Sophie

Yesterday we woke up and drove to Canfield to visit our friends Danielle, Kevin and their son Max. We had soo much fun and Soph loved playing with Max.
Soph and Max just chilling:
Then they held hands:


 Then our friend Monica and her husband Joe and their daughter Rosie came over to hang out. Soph, Max and Rosie had a ball. Rosie and Soph cracking up:

 Max and Soph enjoying dinner at the kiddie table:

 Jumping on Max's bed:
 Danielle and I said we'll save the next photos for when they are older (and they'll hate us) lol.

We had soo much fun and can't wait to hang out again soon! After we got home today Soph kept saying "Max" and "hands" because she knew they kept holding hands. She also kept asking us about "Guiness" their dog who she loved and actually tried to ride like a horse lol.

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