Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Friday, May 31, 2013

Nana & Poppy

I had to go to Indiana on Wednesday for work so Soph and I went to Piqua Tuesday night. My parents watched Soph Wednesday while I was in Indy for the day. She had so much fun. My parents only got acouple photos but they're super cute. A huge thanks to my parents for watching Soph for us.
Soph smiling AND looking at the camera:
 Playing peek-a-boo:
 My cousin Olivia was at my parents house so Soph got to spend some time with her. I LOVE this picture of Olivia and Soph:
Soph painted, had story time, played outside with the kids and went to the park. She had a fun filled day.

Travis's Graduation

Last weekend we went to Cinci for our oldest nephew, Travis's high school graduation.
We spent Friday night at Jim and Sharon's house. Soph went to bed around 9:30 p.m. and didn't wake up until....almost 11 a.m. That was the longest she's ever slept. I couldn't sleep in that long, probably because I'm used to her new schedule of waking up daily from 5 a.m. - 6:30 a.m. but it was nice sleeping in a little.
We got to the graduation before 5 p.m. and it started at 6 p.m. By 7:30, Soph was ready to go. Overall, she did really well. I'm bummed I didn't get any group pictures of the Goff family. Here's the pictures I did get before we left:

Soph cheering on Travis:
 Walking to get his diploma:

 We're soo proud of Travis for accomplishing this first milestone into his future.

Cookies & Finger Paint

One day last week Soph wanted cake...and we didn't have anything to make cake so we made cookies. She has a sweet tooth just like El and I.
Admiring the cookies we made:

She loved them:
 Another night I decided she could use her finger paint....but instead of just using it on her papers on her art table...I let her paint the bath tub. She LOVED it for about 10 mins...then she wanted all the paint off of her. LOL! She hates having anything on her hands and loves washing them.

Friday, May 24, 2013


El took this past Sunday off so we took Soph to the Zoo. The dinosaur exhibit is now open so we thought we'd check it out. As soon as we got to the entrance Soph wanted out of her stroller to get a better view of the dinosaur:

We made a quick stop at the playground to see Addie and Jax:
 Jax was having so much fun:
 Soph running around like a mad woman:
 Then Soph wanted to ride the "horsey's":
 Which she LOVED:
 We bought tickets to take a boat ride to see the dinosaurs. They had dinosaurs on the walk to the boats and of course I couldn't fit Soph and the dinosaur in the picture:
 Petting the snake:
Then we got into the LONG line for the boat ride only for it to break we didn't get to ride the boat but we still had fun despite Soph throwing herself on the ground crying...twice hahah! Hello Terrible Two's. :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Fun

Today Soph and I went over to the Beaty's for dinner and to hang out. Soph loves playing with her cousins.
 We tried to take them on a walk in the wagon....but that lasted for about 20 seconds:
This past weekend we did some landscaping and of course Soph wanted to help:

 Soph loves stickers and one day this weekend was playing with her stickers (with no clothes on for some reason lol) and put her stickers all over her:
 Enjoying a snack at the zoo:
 Loves her water table:

For some reason all my pictures are out of order. This is from today when we got to the Beaty's house. Soph was knocking on the door trying to get in.
 Just taking a ride in Addie's car:
 More landscaping:
 Soph playing a dress and rain boots (she cried until I let her wear rain boots outside even though it was 80 degrees and wasn't raining):


Elliott has always had a fish tank so it was only a matter of time before we bought Soph one. Last weekend we took Soph to the pet store and let her pick out a fish tank, fish and some stuff to go into the tank. Here's some pictures:
Soph pointing at her new fish:
 Picking out her fish:
 She wanted to feed the fish so I gave her the container, got the camera ready and she opened it and the fish food (which stinks) went all over her. Whoops!
 Checking out the food after we fed the fish:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day this year. My parents came to town and we had a cookout at Misty and Rick's. The kids ate, then played and all the mom's were able to enjoy a nice steak lunch. Ricky even cleaned up the entire mess so we didn't have to do anything. :)
Misty, Mom and I:
 Soph and I:
 All the momma's and their kids:
 Soph trying on Addie's wig:
 We also celebrated my dad's birthday:
 Addie jumping on poppy's lap:
 Soph and Jax love each other: