Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Zoo Trip

Saturday was a perfect day for a Zoo trip....not too cold...and not too hot. Elliott asked me why I was taking pictures on Saturday since we go to the Zoo all the time. I told him I like to see the different photos from each visit as they are always different. Soph's reaction to the zoo now is soo much different than last summer. She loves it and loves running from one animal to the next. I love going back to this blog to see pictures from last year...and comparing them to this year.
Here's some photos from Saturday:
Checking out the elephants. The photo on the left is from on the right was from August:
 A worker was next to us and asked if we wanted a family photo with all four of us...we were confused then realized he thought this little boy was with us lol! Nope...just the three of us.

Check out these pictures (almost the same exact spot), the one on the left was from Saturday and on the right from August. Soph looks soo different.

 Giving the polar bear a hug:
 She loved the Panda bear.....future AOII? :)
Instead of packing her diaper bag, I put acouple of her diapers, wipes, etc. in her new Minnie Mouse book bag. After I changed her diaper ....she wanted to wear her book bag:
 And her sunglasses:
 We've never gone to this exhibit. You pay for bird food and hold the cup in your hand and birds flock to you. El had several on him. Soph was kind of scared at first.

 Soph loves the petting zoo and combing the goats hair:
 And then she hugged the goat before we could stop her. We left after that and washed her hands, sanitized them, and then wiped them again to be sure lol!
 Such a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love living so close that we can go every day if we wanted ?!? =). We take pictures at every visit too!
