Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Annual Hog Roast

Today was my grandpa's annual hog roast. Soph had a blast playing with her cousins, riding the golf cart, walking to the lake and eating yummy foods.
She especially loved her Uncle Buck.
Soph, Uncle Buck, her cousin Bradley and Poppy:
 Poppy with his grandkids and niece and nephew:
 Taking daddy for a ride on the golf cart:
 More rides on the golf cart:

 Jax and Soph loved the golf cart...when they weren't taking rides they were playing on it. I think the pictures below look like they're trying to figure out the keys to get it to start lol:

 Soph loved all the dogs:
 Yummy corn on the cob:
 Uncle Buck:

 Cousins eating popsicles:
 Soph was exhausted by the time we got home tonight. After her bath she was ready to read a book with daddy....and Maya too and went to bed.

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