Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lynds Fruit Farm - Apple Orchard

Saturday morning we got up, got ready and took Soph to Lynds Fruit Farm. First we went to the apple orchard.
But...before we could go apple picking, I brought Soph's potty chair since the drive to the Lynds was about 40 minutes. So we put the chair in the back of my car and she sat on it and went potty lol! She looked through the Toys R Us ad while she went.

 Soph loved picking apples. She also liked eating them.

 This year at the Apple Orchard compared to last year:
 Trying to reach the high ones:

 Giving daddy the apples she picked:

 Showing off her apples:

 Sophie and Mommy take 1
 Take 2 - the sun was not in our favor:

Everything to make home made apple crisp and apple pie:

 This year compared to last year:


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