Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fun With Auntie & Uncle Ricky

On Sunday I took a sewing class so I could learn how to use the sewing machine I got last year for Christmas and so I could learn how to make ruffle pants for Soph. Misty and Ricky volunteered to watch Soph for me. The class was supposed to be 2 hours and after 4 hours ....the pants STILL weren't finished and I had enough. I don't think being a seamstress is in my near future. The good news, I know how to use my machine. The bad news, I was so frustrated on Sunday I don't know if I'll attempt to use it anytime soon.
Soph had soo much fun playing with her cousins and Auntie and Uncle Ricky. After their naps they all went outside to play in the snow.
Ricky has a new four wheeler and tied a rope to a sled and pulled the kids around (Soph is in between Auntie and Addie):
 Making snow angels with Addie:
 Sliding into snow:
Thanks soo much Misty and Ricky for watching Soph. She had a blast.

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