Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine's Day

This year's Valentine's Day was really fun. Now that Soph is in school, we made valentine's for her class. I saw on Pinterest this cute idea to take a picture of Soph in sunglasses and give everyone a pair of the sunglasses with a cute that's what we did for her Valentine's. 
Soph loving her little photo shoot trying to get a cute photo in her sunglasses:

 Soph loved the camera:

 Soph stuffing all the goodies, including the sunglasses into the bags for her friends at school:
 She was soo proud of her hard work:

 For the teachers we got them hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Works and I made these Valentine's for them saying "Hands Down You're The Best Teacher Around" and traced Soph's hand print and cut it out and tied together with a bow (also found on Pinterest). You can also kinds of see the labels on each of the Valentine bags with Soph's picture and the saying. Can you tell I LOVED making these? Hah!
 I thought I'd take a walk down memory lane and show Soph's V-day pictures from the past couple of years:

 2011 (Valentine's Day was the day we found out we were having a GIRL):

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