Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sophia's First Trip To Disney

Last Tuesday we left -18 degree temperatures for sunny Florida. We landed and it was 80 degrees and sunny. A perfect day to start our vacation. I'll warn you now, I took over 1200 pictures while we were in FL so I'm doing a blog post for each day and there's several pictures for each one. :)

Soph had her first plane ride when she was 10 months old. This trip was WAY different. Instead of giving her a bottle or a paci when we went up in the air, we tried giving her a sucker and gum. She doesn't like gum and didn't want a sucker haha. Overall I'd say Soph was good on the plane. She did get a little restless here and there but didn't throw any fits.

Soph making sure her Max could see out the window:
 I tried to get a pic of Soph and I and this was the best one we got:
 Loving being on the plane:
 Elliott LOVES the SkyMall magazine and always goes through every page when we fly:
 Soph loved it too. Like father like daughter:
 This was at the airport before we boarded. Soph was checking out our airplane:
 After we landed our hotel picked us up and took us to our resort. Once we arrived they gave Soph her "first time" button. She loved it.
Soph's first time on the plane at 10 months compared to being almost 2 1/2:

For some reason my pictures are all out of order. Soph and Daddy on the plane:
 Soph and Mommy:
 Soph was soo excited walking through the airport. Elliott, Soph and Grandpa Jim:

 We made it! Walt Disney World....Where Dreams Come True

 We LOVED our resort. It was perfect for Soph. They had several different themes including Cars, Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo and Lion King.
 We picked The Little Mermaid. Soph checking out our room:

 Mickey Mouse towel favorite!

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