Life with the Goff's

Life with the Goff's

Monday, January 27, 2014

First Day of School

Today was Sophia's first day of school. I have been sick/nervous/emotional for the past 24 hours leading up to her drop off. Before we took her I tried to snap acouple photos. After several tears and throwing a fit and getting a star crunch, I finally got acouple photos of her smiling. :) 

Pushing the sign away...she didn't want to hold it:

 Throwing a fit:
 Finally happy:

 Showing off her new book bag with her name on it:

 Walking into her new school.
She was excited all weekend to start school. Then when we walked in, we went to her classroom to drop off her things, then to the cafeteria to see all her classmates and to have lunch. Once we got to the cafeteria she got upset and wanted to leave. I think she was overwhelmed with all the kids. The teacher told us to walk back to the front and she'd calm her down. As soon as we walked away Soph was fine. I can't wait to hear how her first day went. :)

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